Biblioteca Dr. Rubén Bonifaz Nuño



A Century of Communication Studies : The Unfinished Conversation A Century of Communication Studies : The Unfinished Conversation
Gehrke, Pat J., editor; Keith, William M., editor.
A History of the Roman Equestrian Order A History of the Roman Equestrian Order
Davenport, Caillan, autor.
A theory of the aphorism : from Confucius to Twitter A theory of the aphorism : from Confucius to Twitter
Hui, Andrew, autor.
Academic English for Second Language Learners Academic English for Second Language Learners
Arjona Samague, Julieta, autor.
Aeneis Aeneis
Virgilio Marón, Publio, autor; Conte, Gian Biagio, editor.
Aetas Claudianea : A Conference at the Free University of Berlin from 28th to 30th June 2002 Aetas Claudianea : A Conference at the Free University of Berlin from 28th to 30th June 2002
Ehlers, Widu-Wolfgang, editor.
Alcman Alcman
Römer, Cornelia, editor.
Alemannien und der Norden : Internationales Symposium vom 18.-20. Oktober 2001 in Zrich Alemannien und der Norden : Internationales Symposium vom 18.-20. Oktober 2001 in Zürich
Naumann, Hans-Peter, editor.
Alexander von Aphrodisias Alexander von Aphrodisias
Moraux, Paul, autor.
Amazonian Spanish : Language contact and evolution Amazonian Spanish : Language contact and evolution
Fafulas, Stephen, editor.
An outline of sociology as applied to medicine An outline of sociology as applied to medicine
Armstrong, David L., autor
An seine Freunde /  Epistulae ad familiares : Lateinisch - Deutsc An seine Freunde / Epistulae ad familiares : Lateinisch - Deutsc
Cicerón, Marco Tulio, autor; Kasten, Helmut, editor
Anlisis de la Conversacin : Fundamentos, metodologa y alcances. Análisis de la Conversación : Fundamentos, metodología y alcances.
Raymond, Chase Wesley; Luis Manuel Olguín, autores.
Ancient Comedy and Reception : Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Henderson Ancient Comedy and Reception : Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Henderson
Olson, S. Douglas, editor
Ancient Greek and Roman Art and Architecture [Handbook of Greek Sculpture, vol. 1] Ancient Greek and Roman Art and Architecture [Handbook of Greek Sculpture, vol. 1]
Palagia, Olga; Francesco de Angelis; Clemente Marconi, editores.
Ancient Greek Dialects and Early Authors Ancient Greek Dialects and Early Authors
Miller, D. Gary, autor
Ancient Greek Verb-Initial Compounds Ancient Greek Verb-Initial Compounds
Tribulato, Olga, autora.
Antike Gemmen und ihr Nachleben Antike Gemmen und ihr Nachleben
Zwierlein Diehl, Erika, autor.
Antike Kritik an der Stoa Antike Kritik an der Stoa
Nickel, Rainer, editor.
Antikemythologieinchristlichenkontextender Sptantike Antike mythologie in christlichen kontexten der Spätantike 
Leppin, Hartmut, editor.
Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching
Basa, Rowela S., autor.
Approaches to Greek Poetry : Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, and Aeschylus in Ancient Exegesis Approaches to Greek Poetry : Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, and Aeschylus in Ancient Exegesis
Ercoles, Marco, editor.
Apuleius' Florida : A Commentary Apuleius' Florida : A Commentary
Lee, Benjamin Todd, autor.
Archi :Complexities of Agreement in Cross-theoretical Perspective Archi : Complexities of Agreement in Cross-theoretical Perspective
Bond, Oliver, editor
Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome
Davies, Penelope J. E., autor.
Aretaiundvirtutes Aretai und virtutes 
Classen, Carl Joachim, autor.
Aristotle - Contemporary Perspectives on his Thought : On the 2400th Anniversary of Aristotle's Birth Aristotle - Contemporary Perspectives on his Thought : On the 2400th Anniversary of Aristotle's Birth
Sphendone?-Mentzou, De?me?tra, editor.
Aristotle?s Metaphysics Lambda : New Essays Aristotle?s Metaphysics Lambda : New Essays
Horn, Christoph, editor.
Artes Grammaticae in frammenti : i testi grammaticali latini e bilingui greco-latini su papiro Artes Grammaticae in frammenti : i testi grammaticali latini e bilingui greco-latini su papiro
Scappaticcio, Maria Chiara, autor.
Arts of Connection : Poetry, History, Epochality Arts of Connection : Poetry, History, Epochality
Feldman, Karen, autor.
Aspects of Grammaticalization : (Inter)Subjectification and Directionality Aspects of Grammaticalization : (Inter)Subjectification and Directionality
Olmen, Daniel, editor.
Associated Motion Associated Motion
Guillaume, Antoine, editor.
Augustini Valerii De Rhetorica Ecclesiastica Libri III Augustini Valerii De Rhetorica Ecclesiastica Libri III
Valier, Agostino, 1530-1606, autor.
Austronesian Soundscapes Austronesian Soundscapes
Abels, Birgit, ed.
Autobiografa del esclavo poeta y otros escritos Autobiografía del esclavo poeta y otros escritos
Manzano, Juan Francisco, 1797-1854, autor.
Aviolentspectacle:terrorism in contemporary peninsular drama A violent spectacle : terrorism in contemporary peninsular drama 
Downs, Tara, autor.
Beyond grammaticalization and discourse markers Beyond grammaticalization and discourse markers 
Pons Bordería, Salvador, editor.
Bilder machen Rume : Mythenbilder in pompeianischen Husern Bilder machen Räume : Mythenbilder in pompeianischen Häusern
Lorenz, Katharina, autora.
Biographie und Bildungskultur : Personendarstellungen bei Plinius dem Jngeren, Gellius und Sueton Biographie und Bildungskultur : Personendarstellungen bei Plinius dem Jüngeren, Gellius und Sueton
Pausch, Dennis, autor.
Birth of the Symbol Birth of the Symbol
Struck, Peter T., autor.
Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy
Frede, Dorothea, editor.
Bones of the Maya : Studies of Ancient Skeletons Bones of the Maya : Studies of Ancient Skeletons
Whittington, Stephen L., editor.
Book Traces : Nineteenth-Century Readers and the Future of the Library Book Traces : Nineteenth-Century Readers and the Future of the Library
Stauffer, Andrew M., autor.
Brill's Companion to Nonnus of Panopolis Brill's Companion to Nonnus of Panopolis
Accorinti, Domenico, editor.
Brill's Companion to Ovid Brill's Companion to Ovid
Boyd, Barbara Weiden, editor.
Brill's Companion to Silius Italicus Brill's Companion to Silius Italicus
Augoustakis, Antony, editor.
Bucolica / Georgica Bucolica / Georgica
Virgilio Marón, Publio, autor; Ottaviano, Silvia; Conte, Gian Biagio, editores.
Byzanzrezeption in Europa : Spurensuche u?ber das Mittelalter und die Renaissance bis in die Gegenwart Byzanzrezeption in Europa : Spurensuche u?ber das Mittelalter und die Renaissance bis in die Gegenwart
Kolovou, Foteini, autor.
Caldern :textos, mitos y representaciones Calderón : textos, mitos y representaciones
Escudero Baztán, Juan Manuel, editor.
Callimachus and His Critics Callimachus and His Critics
Cameron, Alan, autor.
Canonical Morphology and Syntax Canonical Morphology and Syntax
Brown, Dunstan, editor
Capire il greco Capire il greco
Pierini, Rachele, autora.
Carmina Latina Epigraphica IV Carmina Latina Epigraphica IV
Cugusi, Paolo, editor
Carto(corpo)grafas : nuevo reparto de las voces en la narrativa de autoras latinoamericanas del siglo XXI Carto(corpo)grafías : nuevo reparto de las voces en la narrativa de autoras latinoamericanas del siglo XXI
Bustamante Escalona, Fernanda; y Lorena Amaro Castro, editoras
Category change from a constructional perspective Category change from a constructional perspective
Goethem, Kristel van, editor.
Catulls Epigramme im Kontext hellenistischer Dichtung Catulls Epigramme im Kontext hellenistischer Dichtung
Hartz, Cornelius, autor.
Cervantes y las religiones Cervantes y las religiones
Fine, Ruth, editor.
Changes in Meaning and Function : Studies in Historical Linguistics with a Focus on Spanish Changes in Meaning and Function : Studies in Historical Linguistics with a Focus on Spanish
Ferna?ndez Jae?n, Jorge
Church and State in Guatemala Church and State in Guatemala
Holleran, Mary Patricia, autor
Ciceros Rede cum senatui gratias egit : Ein Kommentar Ciceros Rede cum senatui gratias egit : Ein Kommentar
Boll, Tobias, autor.
Classicism and Christianity in Late Antique Latin Poetry Classicism and Christianity in Late Antique Latin Poetry
Hardie, Philip, autor.
Claudian the Poet Claudian the Poet
Coombe, Clare, autor.
Coefore : i canti Coefore : i canti
Esquilo, autor; Giampaolo Galvani, editor.
Colonialism and Missionary Linguistics Colonialism and Missionary Linguistics
Kellermeier-Rehbein, Birte, editor
Comedy and Religion in Classical Athens : Narratives of Religious Experiences in Aristophanes Wealth Comedy and Religion in Classical Athens : Narratives of Religious Experiences in Aristophanes Wealth
Barrenechea, Francisco, autor.
Comentarios de erudicin (libro decimosexto) Comentarios de erudición (libro decimosexto)
Jiménez Patón, Bartolomé, autor.
Commentarius in Claudii Ptolemaei Harmonica Commentarius in Claudii Ptolemaei Harmonica
Porfirio, autor; Raffa, Massimo, editor.
Comparison and Gradation in Indo-European Comparison and Gradation in Indo-European
Hock, Wolfgang, editor.
ConstructingUs Constructing Us
Aijón Oliva, Miguel Ángel, autor.
Contacto lingstico y la emergencia de variantes y variedades lingsticas Contacto lingüístico y la emergencia de variantes y variedades lingüísticas
Escobar, Anna Maria, editor.
Contactos y contextos lingsticos :el espaol en los Estados Unidos y en contacto con otras lenguas Contactos y contextos lingüísticos : el español en los Estados Unidos y en contacto con otras lenguas
Ortiz Lopez, Luis A., editor.
Conversaciones en verso Conversaciones en verso
Marías, Clara
Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum : Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae : Suppl. Pars 4, Fasc. 3 Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum : Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae : Suppl. Pars 4, Fasc. 3
Varone, Antonio, editor.
Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece : A Philology of Worlds Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece : A Philology of Worlds
Gagné, Renaud, autor.
Count and Mass Across Languages Count and Mass Across Languages
Massam, Diane, editor
Creating Understanding : How Communicating Aligns Minds Creating Understanding : How Communicating Aligns Minds
Gasiorek, Jessica; R. Kelly Aune, autores
Crossing Borders, Making Connections : Interdisciplinarity in Linguistics Crossing Borders, Making Connections : Interdisciplinarity in Linguistics
Burkette, Allison, editor.
Culto del mal, cultura del mal :realidad, virtualidad, representacin Culto del mal, cultura del mal : realidad, virtualidad, representación
Hartwig, Susanne, editor.
Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition : How children use their environment to learn Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition : How children use their environment to learn
Rowland, Caroline F., ed.
Current Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics Current Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
Pascual y Cabo, Diego, editor.
Dantes Dream : A Jungian Psychoanalytical Approach Dante´s Dream : A Jungian Psychoanalytical Approach
Hood, Gwenyth E., autora.
Darstellungsziele und Erzhlstrategien in antiken Texten : Narratives, objectives, and strategies in classical texts Darstellungsziele und Erzählstrategien in antiken Texten : Narratives, objectives, and strategies in classical texts
Köhnken, Adolf , autor.
Das Komische bei Plautus : Eine Analyse zur plautinischen Poetik Das Komische bei Plautus : Eine Analyse zur plautinischen Poetik
Sander-Pieper, Gudrun, autor.
Das romische spielewesen in der spatantike Das romische spielewesen in der spatantike
Puk, Alexander, autor.
Data Collection in Sociolinguistics : Methods and Applications Data Collection in Sociolinguistics : Methods and Applications
Mallinson, Christine, editor.
De la literatura latinoamericana a la literatura (latinoamericana) mundial De la literatura latinoamericana a la literatura (latinoamericana) mundial
Locane, Jorge J., autor.
De natura animalium De natura animalium
Eliano, autor.
Decolonizing the Map : Cartography from Colony to Nation Decolonizing the Map : Cartography from Colony to Nation
Akerman, James R., ed.
Demonstratives and Grammaticalization : A Perspective from Modern Turkish Demonstratives and Grammaticalization : A Perspective from Modern Turkish
Balpinar, Metin, autor.
DemonstrativesinCross-linguisticPerspective Demonstratives in Cross-linguistic Perspective
Levinson, Stephen C., editor
Der antike Fiktionalittsdiskurs : Ancient Discourse about Fictionality Der antike Fiktionalitätsdiskurs : Ancient Discourse about Fictionality
Feddern, Stefan, autor.
Der Arzt im Altertum : Griechisch und lateinische Quellenstcke von Hippokrates bis Galen Der Arzt im Altertum : Griechisch und lateinische Quellenstücke von Hippokrates bis Galen
Müri, Walter, editor.
Der Kaiser und Konstantinopel : Kommunikation und Konfliktaustrag in einer spa?tantiken Metropole Der Kaiser und Konstantinopel : Kommunikation und Konfliktaustrag in einer spa?tantiken Metropole
Pfeilschifter, Rene, autor.
Der Majuskelgebrauch im Deutschen Der Majuskelgebrauch im Deutschen
Müller, Hans-Georg, autor.
Der Papyrus von Derveni Der Papyrus von Derveni
Kotwick, Mirjam E, editor.
Der Tod auf der Bhne : Jenseitsmchte in der antiken Tragdie Der Tod auf der Bühne : Jenseitsmächte in der antiken Tragödie
Schlatter, Emrys, autor.
Der Tod und die Ma?dchen : Amazonen auf ro?mischen Sarkophagen Der Tod und die Ma?dchen : Amazonen auf ro?mischen Sarkophagen
Russenberger, Christian, autor.
DerivedCoordination:a Minimalist Perspective on Clause Chains Derived Coordination : a Minimalist Perspective on Clause Chains 
Weisser, Philipp, autor
Descubrir el cuerpo :estudios sobre la corporalidad en el gnero negro en Chile, Argentina y Mxico Descubrir el cuerpo : estudios sobre la corporalidad en el género negro en Chile, Argentina y México
Schmitz, Sabine, editor
Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon : das Mittelalter : Band 5, Epik (Vers - Strophe - Prosa) und Kleinformen Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon : das Mittelalter : Band 5, Epik (Vers - Strophe - Prosa) und Kleinformen
Achnitz, Wolfgang, editor.
Development of Modality in First Language Acquisition : A Cross-Linguistic Perspective Development of Modality in First Language Acquisition : A Cross-Linguistic Perspective
Stephany, Ursula, editor.
Diagoras of Melos : A Contribution to the History of Ancient Atheism Diagoras of Melos : A Contribution to the History of Ancient Atheism
Winiarczyk, Marek, autor.
Die Catilinarischen Reden : Lateinisch - Deutsch Die Catilinarischen Reden : Lateinisch - Deutsch
Cicerón, Marco Tulio, autor; Fuhrmann, Manfred, editor
Die Mosaiken der Acheiropoietos-Basilika in Thessaloniki : Eine vergleichende Analyse dekorativer Mosaiken des 5. und 6. Jahrhunderts Die Mosaiken der Acheiropoietos-Basilika in Thessaloniki : Eine vergleichende Analyse dekorativer Mosaiken des 5. und 6. Jahrhunderts
Fourlas, Benjamin, autor.
Die Rezeption lateinischer Wissenschaft, Spiritualitt, Bildung und Dichtung aus Frankreich Die Rezeption lateinischer Wissenschaft, Spiritualität, Bildung und Dichtung aus Frankreich
Knapp, Fritz Peter, editor.
Die rmische Gesellschaft bei Galen : Biographie und Sozialgeschichte Die römische Gesellschaft bei Galen : Biographie und Sozialgeschichte
Schlange Schöningen, Heinrich, autor.
Die Tragdien des Pacuvius : Ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten mit Einleitung, Text und bersetzung Die Tragödien des Pacuvius : Ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten mit Einleitung, Text und Übersetzung
Pacuvio, Marco, autor; Schierl, Petra, ed.
Diminutives across Languages, Theoretical Frameworks and Linguistic Domains Diminutives across Languages, Theoretical Frameworks and Linguistic Domains
Manova, Stela, editor.
Dinmicas de inclusin y exclusin en Amrica Latina :conceptos y prcticas de etnicidad, ciudadana y pertenencia Dinámicas de inclusión y exclusión en América Latina : conceptos y prácticas de etnicidad, ciudadanía y pertenencia
Potthast-Jutkeit, Barbara, editor.
Diplomazia e propaganda a Roma ai tempi delle guerre d'oltremare Diplomazia e propaganda a Roma ai tempi delle guerre d'oltremare
Russo, Federico, autor.
Discourse particles formal approaches to their syntax and semantics Discourse particles formal approaches to their syntax and semantics
Bayer, Josef, editor.
Distant Horizons : Digital Evidence and Literary Change Distant Horizons : Digital Evidence and Literary Change
Underwood, Ted, autor.
Diversidadcultural-ficcional-moral? Diversidad cultural-ficcional-¿moral?
Hartwig, Susanne, editor
Diversity in contact Diversity in contact
Levkovych, Nataliya, editor.
Divinarum institutionum libri septem. Fasc 2, Libri III et IV Divinarum institutionum libri septem. Fasc 2, Libri III et IV
Lactantius, Lucius Caelius Firmianus, autor.
Dynamics of Ancient Prose : Biographic, Novelistic, Apologetic Dynamics of Ancient Prose : Biographic, Novelistic, Apologetic
Thorsen, Thea S., editor.
Dyonisus :theepicfragments Dyonisus : the epic fragments
Benaissa, Amin, editor.
Early Greek Epic Fragments I : Antiquarian and Genealogical Epic Early Greek Epic Fragments I : Antiquarian and Genealogical Epic
Tsagalis, Christos, autor.
Editar a Caldern : hacia una edicin crtica de las comedias completas Editar a Calderón : hacia una edición crítica de las comedias completas
Arellano, Ignacio, autor.
Eine tanzende Kirche : Initiation, Ritual und Liturgie im sptmittelalterlichen Frankreich Eine tanzende Kirche : Initiation, Ritual und Liturgie im spätmittelalterlichen Frankreich
Knäble, Philip, autor.
Ekphrasis Ekphrasis
Wandhoff, Haiko, autor.
El Alcalde de Zalamea : Edicin crtica de las dos versiones de Juan Manuel Escudero Baztn El Alcalde de Zalamea : Edición crítica de las dos versiones de Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, autor.
El autor a escena :intermedialidad y autoficcin El autor a escena : intermedialidad y autoficción
Casas, Ana, editor.
El botn de seda negra El botón de seda negra
Parada, Esperanza López, autor.
El cancionero de la corte de Carlos V y su autor, Luis de vila y Ziga El cancionero de la corte de Carlos V y su autor, Luis de Ávila y Zúñiga
Marino, Nancy F., autor.
El drago en el jardn de edn El drago en el jardín de edén
Mason, Peter, autor.
El giro lingsticohermenuticay anlisis del lenguaje El giro lingüístico hermenéutica y análisis del lenguaje 
Fabris, Adriano, autor
El libro y sus circunstancias :in memoriam Klaus D. Vervuert El libro y sus circunstancias : in memoriam Klaus D. Vervuert
Campa, Mariano de la, editor
El monstruo como mquina de guerra El monstruo como máquina de guerra
Moraña, Mabel, autor.
El que no tiene de inga, tiene de mandinga : honor y mestizaje en los mundos americanos El que no tiene de inga, tiene de mandinga : honor y mestizaje en los mundos americanos
Albiez, Sarah; Lina Mercedes Cruz Lira; y Antonio Fuentes Barragán, editores.
El segundo Quijote (1615) :nuevas interpretaciones cuatro siglos despus (2015) El segundo Quijote (1615) : nuevas interpretaciones cuatro siglos después (2015)
Domènech, Conxita, editor.
El virtuoso discreto :primera y segunda parte El virtuoso discreto : primera y segunda parte
Jiménez Patón, Bartolomé, autor.
Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas
Le Guen, Olivier, editor.
Emperor and Senators in the Reign of Constantius II : Maintaining Imperial Rule Between Rome and Constantinople in the Fourth Century AD Emperor and Senators in the Reign of Constantius II : Maintaining Imperial Rule Between Rome and Constantinople in the Fourth Century AD
Moser, Muriel, autor.
Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, The
Chapelle, Carol, editor.
Entrenchment in Usage Based Theories : What Corpus Data Do and Do Not Reveal About The Mind Entrenchment in Usage Based Theories : What Corpus Data Do and Do Not Reveal About The Mind
Blumenthal Dramé, Alice, autora.
pigrammes de Maxime Planude, Les Épigrammes de Maxime Planude, Les
Planudes, Maximus, autor.; Taxidis, Ilias, editor.
Erasmus, Man of Letters : The Construction of Charisma in Print Erasmus, Man of Letters : The Construction of Charisma in Print
Jardine, Lisa, autor.
Escribir desde el ocano :la navegacin de Hernando de Alarcn y otras retricas del andar por el nuevo mundo Escribir desde el océano : la navegación de Hernando de Alarcón y otras retóricas del andar por el nuevo mundo
Rodríguez, Jimena, autor.
Espectros y conjuras : asedios a la cuestin colonial Espectros y conjuras : asedios a la cuestión colonial
Jáuregui, Carlos A., autor.
Etruscology Etruscology
Naso, Alessandro, editor.
Excavations in the West Plaza of Tikal Excavations in the West Plaza of Tikal
Haviland, William A.
FeaturesinPhonologyandPhonetics Features in Phonology and Phonetics
Clements, Nick, autor
Ficciones etnogrficas : literatura, ciencias sociales y proyectos nacionales en el Caribe hispano del siglo XIX Ficciones etnográficas : literatura, ciencias sociales y proyectos nacionales en el Caribe hispano del siglo XIX
Domínguez, Daylet, autor.
Fremde in der hellenistischen Polis Rhodos : Zwischen Na?he und Distanz Fremde in der hellenistischen Polis Rhodos : Zwischen Na?he und Distanz
Boyxen, Benedikt, autor.
From Hannibal to Sulla : the birth of civil war in Republican Rome From Hannibal to Sulla : the birth of civil war in Republican Rome
Lange, Carsten Hjort
Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching
Sumague, Julieta Arjona, autor.
Gaze, Vision, and Visuality in Ancient Greek Literature Gaze, Vision, and Visuality in Ancient Greek Literature
Kampakoglou, Alexandros, editor.
Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature : Encounters, Interactions and Transformations Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature : Encounters, Interactions and Transformations
Papanghelis, Theodore D., editor.
Geografas caleidoscpicas Geografías caleidoscópicas
Phaf-Rheinberger, Ineke, editor.
Geography, Topography, Landscape : Configurations of Space in Greek and Roman Epic Geography, Topography, Landscape : Configurations of Space in Greek and Roman Epic
Skempis, Marius, editor.
Geschichte der rmischen Literatur Geschichte der römischen Literatur
Albrecht, Michael von, autor.
Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld and the Sumerian Gilgamesh Cycle Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld and the Sumerian Gilgamesh Cycle
Gadotti, Alhena, autor.
Graecia capta : de la conquista de Grecia a la helenizacin de Roma Graecia capta : de la conquista de Grecia a la helenización de Roma
Gascò, Fernando, editor.
Gramaticalizacin, lexicalizacin y anlisis del discurso desde una perspectiva histrica Gramaticalización, lexicalización y análisis del discurso desde una perspectiva histórica
Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga, Francisco Javier, editor.
Grammaticalization - theory and data Grammaticalization - theory and data
Hancil, Sylvie, editor.
Greek Theatre in the Fourth Century BC Greek Theatre in the Fourth Century BC
Csapo, Eric, editor.
Greeks, Books and Libraries in Renaissance Venice Greeks, Books and Libraries in Renaissance Venice
Piccione, Rosa Maria, editor.
Grenzen der Antike : Die Produktivitt von Grenzen in Transformationsprozessen Grenzen der Antike : Die Produktivität von Grenzen in Transformationsprozessen
Heinze, Anna, editor.
Griechische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung : Traditionen, Probleme und Konzepte Griechische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung : Traditionen, Probleme und Konzepte
Grethlein, Jonas, editor.
Harmonie des Sirnes du pythagorisme ancien  Platon, La Harmonie des Sirènes du pythagorisme ancien à Platon, La
Viltanioti, Irini Fotini, autor.
Helenae encomium Helenae encomium
Gorgias, de Leontino, autor; Pietro Bembo, traductor.
Heridas abiertas  : Biopoltica y representacin en Amrica Latina Heridas abiertas : Biopolítica y representación en América Latina
Moraña, Mabel, editor.
Hermenuticaanalgica yhermenuticadbil Hermenéutica analógica y hermenéutica débil 
Beuchot, Mauricio, autor
Hermenuticade la encrucijada :analoga, retrica y filosofa Hermenéutica de la encrucijada : analogía, retórica y filosofía
Beuchot, Mauricio, autor
Herdoto en el Siglo de Oro : Fragmentos histricos y literarios Heródoto en el Siglo de Oro : Fragmentos históricos y literarios
Marino, Giuseppe, autor.
Herodotus : narrator, scientist, historian Herodotus : narrator, scientist, historian
Bowie, Ewen, editor.
Herodotus and the topography of Xerxes? invasion : Place and memory in Greece and Anatolia Herodotus and the topography of Xerxes? invasion : Place and memory in Greece and Anatolia
Rookhuijzen, Jan Zacharias van, autor.
Hippocratis De humoribus : Edidit, in linguam Germanicam vertit, commentatus est Hippocratis De humoribus : Edidit, in linguam Germanicam vertit, commentatus est
Overwien, Oliver, editor.
Historia de la ciencia ficcin latinoamericana : I Desde los orgenes hasta la modernidad Historia de la ciencia ficción latinoamericana : I Desde los orígenes hasta la modernidad
López Pellisa, Teresa, editor.
Historia de la lengua y crtica textual Historia de la lengua y crítica textual
Pons Rodríguez, Lola, autora.
Historical Linguistics and Language Change Historical Linguistics and Language Change
Kulkarni, Prafull Dhondopant, editor.
Hlderlin und das Theater : Produktion - Rezeption - Transformation Hölderlin und das Theater : Produktion - Rezeption - Transformation
Castellari, Marco, autor.
Homer's Iliad : Book XIV Homer's Iliad : Book XIV
Krieter-Spiro, Martha, autor.
Homer's Iliad : the Basel commentary Book XVIII Homer's Iliad : the Basel commentary Book XVIII
Coray, Marina, autor.
Homer's Iliad : the Basel commentary. Book XVI Homer's Iliad : the Basel commentary. Book XVI
Bru?gger, Claude, autor.
Homeric Receptions Across Generic and Cultural Contexts Homeric Receptions Across Generic and Cultural Contexts
Efstathiou, Athanasios, editor.
Horizontes del exilio Horizontes del exilio
Díaz Silva, Elena, editor.
Humor de gnero Humor de género
Ruiz Gurillo, Leonor
Hypatia : The True Story Hypatia : The True Story
Ronchey, Silvia, autora.
Iberian Imperialism and Language Evolution in Latin America Iberian Imperialism and Language Evolution in Latin America
Mufwene, Salikoko S., ed.
Iconofagias, distopas y farsas :ficcin y poltica en Amrica Latina Iconofagias, distopías y farsas : ficción y política en América Latina
Nemrava, Daniel, 1975-, editor.
Il riso di Hephaistos : all'origine del comico nella poesia e nell'arte dei greci Il riso di Hephaistos : all'origine del comico nella poesia e nell'arte dei greci
Natale, Antonio, autor.
Imitate Anacreon! : Mimesis, Poiesis and the Poetic Inspiration in the Carmina Anacreontea Imitate Anacreon! : Mimesis, Poiesis and the Poetic Inspiration in the Carmina Anacreontea
Baumbach, Manuel, editor.
Impronte pompeiane Impronte pompeiane
Patricelli, Giovanni, autor.
In Platonis Phaedrum Scholia In Platonis Phaedrum Scholia
Hermias, de Alejandría, autor; Lucarini, Carlo M., editor.
In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language : A Corpus-driven Approach In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language : A Corpus-driven Approach
Mello, Heliana, editor.
Informe final de labores (enero 2016 - enero 2020) Informe final de labores (enero 2016 - enero 2020)
Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM; Mario Humberto Ruz Sosa, director.
International Yearbook of Futurism Studies :  Futurism in Latin America (v. 7, 2017) International Yearbook of Futurism Studies : Futurism in Latin America (v. 7, 2017)
Aguirre, Mariana, editor.
Intratextuality and Latin Literature Intratextuality and Latin Literature
Frangoulidis, Stavros, editor.
Ione : i canti Ione : i canti
Eurípides, autor; Santé, Paolo, editor.
Jewish Exegesis and Homeric Scholarship in Alexandria Jewish Exegesis and Homeric Scholarship in Alexandria
Niehoff, Maren, autor.
Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity
Geue, Tom, autor.
Kaiser und Tyrann : Die Kodierung und Umkodierung der Herrscherreprsentation Neros und Domitians Kaiser und Tyrann : Die Kodierung und Umkodierung der Herrscherrepräsentation Neros und Domitians
Cordes, Lisa, autor.
Kommentar zur 4. Philippischen Rede des Demosthenes Kommentar zur 4. Philippischen Rede des Demosthenes
Hajdu, Istvan, autor.
Kontinuitt und Diskontinuitt : Germania inferior am Beginn und am Ende der rmischen Herrschaft : Beitrge des deutsch-niederlndischen Kolloquiums in der Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (27. bis 30.06. 2001) Kontinuität und Diskontinuität : Germania inferior am Beginn und am Ende der römischen Herrschaft : Beiträge des deutsch-niederländischen Kolloquiums in der Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (27. bis 30.06. 2001)
Grünewald, Thomas, editor.
Kritischer Kommentar zu Lukrezens Kritischer Kommentar zu Lukrezens "De rerum natura"
Deufert, Marcus, autor.
La allusione necessaria : ricerche intertestuali sulla poesia greca e latina La allusione necessaria : ricerche intertestuali sulla poesia greca e latina
Bonanno, Maria Grazia, autor.
La aparicin de los libros plmbeos y los modos de escribir la historia :de Pedro de Castro al inca Garcilaso de la Vega La aparición de los libros plúmbeos y los modos de escribir la historia : de Pedro de Castro al inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Cárdenas Bunsen, José Alejandro, autor.
La apora descolonial : releyendo la tradicin crtica de la crtica literaria latinoamericana en los casos de Antonio Cornejo Polar y ngel Rama La aporía descolonial : releyendo la tradición crítica de la crítica literaria latinoamericana en los casos de Antonio Cornejo Polar y Ángel Rama
Pistacchio Herna?ndez, Romina, autor.
La atalaya de las cornicas (1443) La atalaya de las corónicas (1443)
Martínez de Toledo, Alfonso, autor.
La conversacin civil La conversación civil
Guazzo, Stefano, autor
La devocin de la cruz La devoción de la cruz
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, autor
La emancipacin de Amrica Central en su retrospectiva (1821-2021) La emancipación de América Central en su retrospectiva (1821-2021)
Blecha, Laurin, editor.
La fiducia secondo gli antichi : La fiducia secondo gli antichi : "pistis" in Gorgia tra Parmenide e Platone
Bontempi, Milena
La narracin perturbadora :un nuevo concepto narratolgico transmedial La narración perturbadora : un nuevo concepto narratológico transmedial 
Schlickers, Sabine, autor.
La narrativa espaola en la prensa estadounidense : Hallazgo, promocin, publicacin y crtica (1875-1900) La narrativa española en la prensa estadounidense : Hallazgo, promoción, publicación y crítica (1875-1900)
Caballer Dondarza, Mercedes, autor.
La Poncella de Francia :la historia castellana de Juana de Arco La Poncella de Francia : la historia castellana de Juana de Arco
Campo, Victoria, editor.
La recepcin crtica de la obra de Delmira Agustini por sus contemporneos : A travs de su correspondencia indita y poco difundida La recepción crítica de la obra de Delmira Agustini por sus contemporáneos : A través de su correspondencia inédita y poco difundida
Fernández dos Santo, Mirta, autor.
La retirada del poema: literatura hispnica e imaginacin poltica moderna La retirada del poema: literatura hispánica e imaginación política moderna
Varón González, Carlos, autor.
La Romania en interaccin :entre historia, contacto y poltica : ensayos en homenaje a Klaus Zimmermann La Romania en interacción : entre historia, contacto y política : ensayos en homenaje a Klaus Zimmermann
Zimmermann, Klaus, editor.
La vanguardia y su huella La vanguardia y su huella
Millares, Selena, editora.
Landscapes of the Mind : Worlds of Sense and Metaphor Landscapes of the Mind : Worlds of Sense and Metaphor
Porteous, J. Douglas
Landscapes Revenge : The ecology of failure in Robert Walser and Bernardo Carvalho Landscapes Revenge : The ecology of failure in Robert Walser and Bernardo Carvalho
Yurgel, Caio, autor.
Language and Literacy Development Language and Literacy Development
Nemelka, Christopher Marc, autor.
Language and the Internet Language and the Internet
Leobrera, Sandy Jessie Lynn Balela, autora.
Language Contact : An International Handbook Language Contact : An International Handbook
Darquennes, Jeroen, editor.
Language Isolates Language Isolates
Campbell, Lyle, editor.
Languages of the World : A Critical Introduction Languages of the World : A Critical Introduction
Kulkarni, Prafull Dhondopant, autor.
Las amazonas de Espaa ;La hazaa mayor de Alcides Las amazonas de España ; La hazaña mayor de Alcides
Cañizares, José de, autor.
Las lenguas toman la Tribuna Las lenguas toman la Tribuna
Latein, Griechisch, Hebrisch : Studien und Dokumentationen zur deutschen Sprachreflexion in Barock und Aufklrung Latein, Griechisch, Hebräisch : Studien und Dokumentationen zur deutschen Sprachreflexion in Barock und Aufklärung
Roelcke, Thorsten, autor.
Latin America : The Allure and Power of an Idea Latin America : The Allure and Power of an Idea
Tenorio-Trillo, Mauricio
Latinitatis Rationes : Descriptive and Historical Accounts for the Latin Language Latinitatis Rationes : Descriptive and Historical Accounts for the Latin Language
Poccetti, Paolo, editor.
Law and (dis)order in the ancient Near East : proceedings of the 59th Rencontre assyriologique internationale held at Ghent, Belgium, 14-19 July 2013 Law and (dis)order in the ancient Near East : proceedings of the 59th Rencontre assyriologique internationale held at Ghent, Belgium, 14-19 July 2013
Graef, Katrien de, editor.
Learning Latin the Ancient Way : Latin Textbooks from the Ancient World Learning Latin the Ancient Way : Latin Textbooks from the Ancient World
Dickey, Eleanor, autor.
Lecturas del pasado : potica y usos culturales de la leyenda literaria Lecturas del pasado : poética y usos culturales de la leyenda literaria
Vega Rodríguez, Pilar, editor.
Lectures plurielles du De ira de Snque : Interprtations, contextes, enjeux Lectures plurielles du «De ira» de Sénèque : Interprétations, contextes, enjeux
Laurand, Valéry, editor.
Leon Battista Alberti, -Della tranquillit dell'animo- : Eine Interpretation auf dem Hintergrund der antiken Quellen Leon Battista Alberti, -Della tranquillità dell'animo- : Eine Interpretation auf dem Hintergrund der antiken Quellen
Scho?ndube, Matthias, autor.
Lexical priming :applications and advances Lexical priming : applications and advances
Pace-Sigge, Michael, editor.
Lexis : lessico della lingua greca per radici e famiglie di parole Lexis : lessico della lingua greca per radici e famiglie di parole
Ugolini, Gherardo, autor.
Libro de los cien captulos :dichos de sabios en palabras breves e complidas Libro de los cien capítulos : dichos de sabios en palabras breves e complidas
Haro Cortes, Marta, editor.
Liebe und Lyrik : Zur Funktion des erotischen Diskurses in Horazens erster Odensammlung Liebe und Lyrik : Zur Funktion des erotischen Diskurses in Horazens erster Odensammlung
Eicks, Mathias, autor.
Lifespan Acquisition and Language Change Historical sociolinguistic perspectives Lifespan Acquisition and Language Change Historical sociolinguistic perspectives
Sanz Sánchez, Israel, ed.
Lneas de fuga : Migracin, frontera y sujeto migrante Líneas de fuga : Migración, frontera y sujeto migrante
Moraña, Mabel, autor.
Linguistica e retorica della tragedia greca Linguistica e retorica della tragedia greca
Battezzato, Luigi, autor.
Literacy in Ancient Everyday Life Literacy in Ancient Everyday Life
Kolb, Anne, editor.
Literary Hermeneutics : From Methodology to Ontology Literary Hermeneutics : From Methodology to Ontology
Kalaga, Tomasz, autor
Literatura latinoamericana mundial Literatura latinoamericana mundial
Guerrero, Gustavo, editor.
Lope de Vega y el humanismo cristiano Lope de Vega y el humanismo cristiano
Ponce Cárdenas, Jesús, editor.
Los indios de Mxico en el siglo XXI Los indios de México en el siglo XXI
Hernández Bringas, Héctor, editor
Los pre-textos del teatro ureo espaol Los pre-textos del teatro áureo español
Arnscheidt, Gero, editor
Los relatos de Julio Cortzar en el cine de ficcin (1962-2009) Los relatos de Julio Cortázar en el cine de ficción (1962-2009)
López Petzoldt, Bruno, autor.
Luciano di Samosata Luciano di Samosata "Timone o il misantropo" : Introduzione, traduzione e commento
Tomassi, Gianluigi, autor.
Lucien et la tragdie Lucien et la tragédie
Karavas, Orestis, autor.
Lucillio, Epigrammi : introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento Lucillio, Epigrammi : introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento
Lucillius, autor; Floridi, Lucia, tr.
Lydien : Ein altanatolischer Staat zwischen Griechenland und dem Vorderen Orient Lydien : Ein altanatolischer Staat zwischen Griechenland und dem Vorderen Orient
Högemann, Peter, autor.
Lysistrate : Text, bersetzung und Kommentar Lysistrate : Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar
Aristófanes, autor; Landfester, Manfred, editor.
Lesthtique populiste:  LAmour du peuple  dans la culture franaise de lentre-deux-guerres L´esthétique populiste: « L´Amour du peuple » dans la culture française de l´entre-deux-guerres
Kern, Matthias, autor.
Manual de lingstica del hablar Manual de lingüística del hablar
Loureda, O?scar, editor.
Manual de lingstica portuguesa Manual de lingüística portuguesa
Martins, Ana Maria, ed.
Manual of deixis in Romance languages Manual of deixis in Romance languages
Jungbluth, Konstanze, editor.
Manual of grammatical interfaces in Romance Manual of grammatical interfaces in Romance
Fischer, Susann, editor.
Manual of language acquisition Manual of language acquisition
Fäcke, Christiane, editor.
Manual of Romance languages in the media Manual of Romance languages in the media
Bedijs, Kristina, editor.
Manual of romance morphosyntax and syntax Manual of romance morphosyntax and syntax
Gabriel, Christoph, ed.
Manual of romance sociolinguistics Manual of romance sociolinguistics
Ayres-Bennett, Wendy, editor. 
Manuale di linguistica friulana Manuale di linguistica friulana
Heinemann, Sabine, editor.
Manuale di lingstica italiana Manuale di lingüística italiana
Lubello, Sergio, editor.
Manuale di lingstica sarda Manuale di lingüística sarda
Ferrer, Eduardo Blasco, ed.
Manuel de la philologie de ldition Manuel de la philologie de l’édition
Trotter, David, editor.
Manuel de linguistique franaise Manuel de linguistique française
Claudia Polzin-Haumann, editor.
Manuel de traductologie Manuel de traductologie
Albrecht, Jörn, editor.
Manuel des anthologies, corpus et textes romans Manuel des anthologies, corpus et textes romans
Iliescu, Maria, editor.
Manuel des francophonies Manuel des francophonies
Reutner, Ursula, editor.
Manuel des frontires linguistiques dans la Romania Manuel des frontières linguistiques dans la Romania
Ossenkop, Christina, editor.
Manuel des langues de spcialit Manuel des langues de spécialité
Forner, Werner, editor.
Manuel des langues romanes Manuel des langues romanes
Klump, Andre, editor.
Mathematische Modellierung bei Platon zwischen Thales und Euklid Mathematische Modellierung bei Platon zwischen Thales und Euklid
Lattmann, Claas, autor.
Maya Folktales from the Alta Verapaz Maya Folktales from the Alta Verapaz
Danien, Elin C., ed.
MeaningandLinguisticVariation:TheThirdWaveinSociolinguistics Meaning and Linguistic Variation : The Third Wave in Sociolinguistics 
Eckert, Penelope, autor
Medea Medea
Eurípides; Bernd Manuwald, traductor
Medieval Futurity : Essays for the Future of a Queer Medieval Studies Medieval Futurity : Essays for the Future of a Queer Medieval Studies
Rogers, Will, autor.
Memory and Emotions in Antiquity : Ancient Emotions IV Memory and Emotions in Antiquity : Ancient Emotions IV
Kazantzidis, Georgios; De?mos G. Spatharas, editores
Menon : bersetzung und Kommentar Menon : Übersetzung und Kommentar
Platón, autor; Ebert, Theodor, tr.
Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork
Bochnak, M. Ryan, editor
Millennia of Language Change : Sociolinguistic Studies in Deep Historical Linguistics Millennia of Language Change : Sociolinguistic Studies in Deep Historical Linguistics
Trudgill, Peter, autor.
Miradas locales en tiempos globales :intervenciones literarias sobre la ciudad latinoamericana Miradas locales en tiempos globales : intervenciones literarias sobre la ciudad latinoamericana
Locane, Jorge J., autor.
Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tika Structures in and Around the Lost World Plaza, Tikal Report 23D Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tika Structures in and Around the Lost World Plaza, Tikal Report 23D
Loten, H. Stanley, autor
Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal--Great Temples III, IV, V, and VI, Tikal Report 23B Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal--Great Temples III, IV, V, and VI, Tikal Report 23B
Loten, H. Stanley, autor
Models from the Past in Roman Culture : A World of Exempla Models from the Past in Roman Culture : A World of Exempla
Roller, Matthew B., autor.
Modernidades indgenas Modernidades indígenas
Pitarch Ramón, Pedro, autor.
Monsters and Monstrosity : From the Canon to the Anti-Canon: Literary and Juridical Subversions Monsters and Monstrosity : From the Canon to the Anti-Canon: Literary and Juridical Subversions
Carpi, Daniela, editora.
Monument und Inschrift : gesammelte Aufstze zur senatorischen Reprsentation in der Kaiserzeit Monument und Inschrift : gesammelte Aufsätze zur senatorischen Repräsentation in der Kaiserzeit
Eck, Werner, autor.
Morphological Complexity within and across Boundaries : In honour of Asli Gksel Morphological Complexity within and across Boundaries : In honour of Asli Göksel
Gürer, Asli, editor
MorphologicalComplexity Morphological Complexity
Baerman, Matthew, autor
Mortal and Divine in Early Greek Epistemology : A Study of Hesiod, Xenophanes and Parmenides Mortal and Divine in Early Greek Epistemology : A Study of Hesiod, Xenophanes and Parmenides
Tor, Shaul, autor.
Multilingualism and Pluricentricity : A Tale of Many Cities Multilingualism and Pluricentricity : A Tale of Many Cities
Hajek, John, editor.
Mundos (casi) imposibles :narrativa postmoderna mexicana Mundos (casi) imposibles : narrativa postmoderna mexicana
Cruz-Grunerth, Gerardo, autor.
Mura di Roma : memorie e visioni della citt Mura di Roma : memorie e visioni della città
Parisi Presicce, Claudio, editor.
Mythen in nachmythischer Zeit : Die Antike in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Gegenwart Mythen in nachmythischer Zeit : Die Antike in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Gegenwart
Seidensticker, Bernd, editor.
Mythische Erzhlstrukturen in Herodots -Historien- Mythische Erzählstrukturen in Herodots -Historien-
Wesselmann, Katharina, autor.
Narcoficciones en Mxico y Colombia Narcoficciones en México y Colombia
Adriaensen, Brigitte, editor.
Narrative Factuality : A Handbook Narrative Factuality : A Handbook
Fludernik, Monika, editora.
Narratives of Annihilation, Confinement, and Survival : Camp Literature in a Transnational Perspective Narratives of Annihilation, Confinement, and Survival : Camp Literature in a Transnational Perspective
Tippner, Anja, editora.
Nationbuilding en el cine mexicano : desde la poca de Oro al presente Nationbuilding en el cine mexicano : desde la Época de Oro al presente
Schmidt-Welle, Friedhelm, editor.
Nemesianus, Cynegetica Nemesianus, Cynegetica
Nemesiano, Marco Aurelio Olimpio, autor; Jakobi, Rainer, editor.
New directions in grammaticalization research New directions in grammaticalization research
Smith, Andrew D. M., editor.
New Perspectives on Mixed Languages : From Core to Fringe New Perspectives on Mixed Languages : From Core to Fringe
Mazzoli, Maria, editor.
New trends on grammaticalization and language change New trends on grammaticalization and language change
Hancil, Sylvie, editor.
Nonnus of Panopolis in Context : Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World Nonnus of Panopolis in Context : Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World
Spanoudakis, Konstantinos, editor
Omero e i suoi oratori : Homer and His Speakers Omero e i suoi oratori : Homer and His Speakers
Dentice di Accadia, Stefano, autor.
Origine des instruments de musique Origine des instruments de musique
Schaeffner, André, autor
Orpheus in der Sptantike : Studien und Kommentar zu den Argonautika des Orpheus: Ein literarisches, religises und philosophisches Zeugnis Orpheus in der Spätantike : Studien und Kommentar zu den Argonautika des Orpheus: Ein literarisches, religiöses und philosophisches Zeugnis
Schelske, Oliver, autor.
Our Lives - Our Stories : Life Experiences of Elderly Deaf People Our Lives - Our Stories : Life Experiences of Elderly Deaf People
Pfau, Roland, editor.
Ovid's Erotic Poems :  Ovid's Erotic Poems : "Amores" and "Ars Amatoria"
Ovidio, autor. ; Krisak, Len, traductor.
P. Ovidii Nasonis Epistula ex Ponto III, 1 : testo, traduzione e commento P. Ovidii Nasonis Epistula ex Ponto III, 1 : testo, traduzione e commento
Ovidio Nasón, Publio, autor; Larosa, Beatrice, editor.
P. Papini Stati Thebaidos libri XII P. Papini Stati Thebaidos libri XII
Estacio, Publio Papinio, autor.
Pasados contemporneos :acercamientos interdisciplinarios a los derechos humanos y las memorias en Per y Amrica Latina Pasados contemporáneos : acercamientos interdisciplinarios a los derechos humanos y las memorias en Perú y América Latina
Johansson, María Teresa, editor.
Paul Celan Today : A Companion Paul Celan Today : A Companion
Eskin, Michael; Leeder, Karen; Pajevi?, Marko, editores.
Paulus und das antike Schulwesen : Schule und Bildung des Paulus Paulus und das antike Schulwesen : Schule und Bildung des Paulus
Vegge, Tor, autor.
Performance, Memory, and Processions in Ancient Rome : The Pompa Circensis from the Late Republic to Late Antiquity Performance, Memory, and Processions in Ancient Rome : The Pompa Circensis from the Late Republic to Late Antiquity
Latham, Jacob A., autor.
Perpetua und der gypter oder Bilder des Bsen im frhen afrikanischen Christentum Perpetua und der Ägypter oder Bilder des Bösen im frühen afrikanischen Christentum
Habermehl, Peter, autor.
Petrarchism at Work : Contextual Economies in the Age of Shakespeare Petrarchism at Work : Contextual Economies in the Age of Shakespeare
Kennedy, William J., autor.
Philippus Arabs : Ein Soldatenkaiser in der Tradition des antoninisch-severischen Prinzipats Philippus Arabs : Ein Soldatenkaiser in der Tradition des antoninisch-severischen Prinzipats
Körner, Christian, autor.
Philosophical Interpretations Philosophical Interpretations
Fogelin, Robert J., autor
Philosophie in Rom - Rmische Philosophie? : Kultur, literatur und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? : Kultur, literatur und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven
Müller, Gernot, editor.
Phonological typology Phonological typology
Hyman, Larry M., editor.
Plato in the Third Sophistic Plato in the Third Sophistic
Fowler, Ryan C., editor.
Plato s Styles and Characters : Between Literature and Philosophy Plato s Styles and Characters : Between Literature and Philosophy
Cornelli, Gabriele, editor.
Platos forms, mathematics and astronomy Plato´s forms, mathematics and astronomy
Kouremenos, Theokritos, autor.
Plautine Trends : Studies in Plautine Comedy and its Reception Plautine Trends : Studies in Plautine Comedy and its Reception
Karakasis, Evangelos, editor.
Poesas completas de Jos Mara Heredia : Edicin crtica Poesías completas de José María Heredia : Edición crítica
Altenberg, Tilmann, autor.
Poetry for Patrons : Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian Poetry for Patrons : Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian
Nauta, Ruurd R., autor.
Politics in the Roman Republic Politics in the Roman Republic
Mouritsen, Henrik, autor.
Politische Gedichte : Carmina Maiora Politische Gedichte : Carmina Maiora
Claudiano, Claudio, 370-408, autor.; Philipp Weiß, ed.
Power and Privilege in Roman Society Power and Privilege in Roman Society
Duncan-Jones, Richard, autor.
Praeneste tra archeologia ed epigrafia [Corpus inscriptionum latinarum] Praeneste tra archeologia ed epigrafia [Corpus inscriptionum latinarum]
Horster, Marietta, editor.
Pragmatics at its Interfaces Pragmatics at its Interfaces
Assimakopoulos, Stavros, editor
Prsenz des Mythos : Konfigurationen einer Denkform in Mittelalter und Frher Neuzeit Präsenz des Mythos : Konfigurationen einer Denkform in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit
Friedrich, Udo, editor.
Progymnasmata quae exstant omnia : Progymnasmata quae exstant omnia :
Severus Sophista Alexandrinus, autor.
Prosody in Syntactic Encoding Prosody in Syntactic Encoding
Kentner, Gerrit, editor.
Prudentius, Psychomachia : Einleitung, Text, bersetzung und Kommentar Prudentius, Psychomachia : Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar
Frisch, Magnus, autor.
Quis maritus salvetur? : Untersuchungen zur Radikalisierung des Jungfrulichkeitsideals im 4. Jahrhundert Quis maritus salvetur? : Untersuchungen zur Radikalisierung des Jungfräulichkeitsideals im 4. Jahrhundert
Weisser, Daniel, autor.
R. Murray Schafer R. Murray Schafer
Adams, Stephen, autor
Race Is about Politics : Lessons from History Race Is about Politics : Lessons from History
Schaub, Jean-Frédéric, autor
Re-mapping World Literature : Writing, Book Markets and Epistemologies between Latin America and the Global South Re-mapping World Literature : Writing, Book Markets and Epistemologies between Latin America and the Global South
Müller, Gesine, editora.
Recalculating Recalculating
Bernstein, Charles, autor.
Redeeming Laughter : The Comic Dimension of Human Experience Redeeming Laughter : The Comic Dimension of Human Experience
Berger, Peter L., autor.
Redefining Ancient Orphism ; A Study in Greek Religion Redefining Ancient Orphism ; A Study in Greek Religion
Edmonds, Radcliffe G., autor.
Relatos de Julio Cortzar en el cine de ficcin (1962-2009), Los Relatos de Julio Cortázar en el cine de ficción (1962-2009), Los
López Petzoldt, Bruno, autor.
Republics of the New World  The Revolutionary Political Experiment in Nineteenth-Century Latin America Republics of the New World The Revolutionary Political Experiment in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
Sabato, Hilda, autor
Retomando la palabra : Las pioneras del XIX en dilogo con la crtica contempornea Retomando la palabra : Las pioneras del XIX en diálogo con la crítica contemporánea
Martin, Claire Emilie, editor.
Retrica de los sentimientos : etnografas amerindias Retórica de los sentimientos : etnografías amerindias
Gutiérrez Estévez, Manuel, editor.
Revolutions and continuity in greek mathematics Revolutions and continuity in greek mathematics
Sialaros, Michalis, editor.
Roman Literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian Literary Interactions, AD 96?138 Roman Literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian Literary Interactions, AD 96?138
König, Alice, editor.
Roman Lyric  : Collected Papers on Catullus and Horace Roman Lyric : Collected Papers on Catullus and Horace
Cairns, Francis, autor.
Rome : An Urban History from Antiquity to the Present Rome : An Urban History from Antiquity to the Present
Taylor, Rabun M., autor.
Routledge Handbook of Spanish Phonology, The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Phonology, The
Colina, Sonia, editora
Sacred Languages of the World Sacred Languages of the World
Basa, Rowela S., autor.
Smtliche Werke : Lateinisch-deutsch Sämtliche Werke : Lateinisch-deutsch
Quintus Horatius Flaccus, autor; Niklas Holzberg, traductor y editor.
Sangre y filiacin en los relatos del dolor Sangre y filiación en los relatos del dolor
Gatti, Gabriel, editor.
Stira y Gneros Menores : Apuntes sobre Literatura Latinoamericana Contempornea Sátira y Géneros Menores : Apuntes sobre Literatura Latinoamericana Contemporánea
Vilahomat, José, autor.
Satiren = Saturae Satiren = Saturae
Juvenal, autor.; Sven Lorenz, traductor y editor.
Scholia Vetera in Sophoclis Oedipum Tyrannum Scholia Vetera in Sophoclis Oedipum Tyrannum
Xenis, Georgios A.
Segmental Structure and Tone Segmental Structure and Tone
Boersma, Paul, editor
Semantics :theories Semantics : theories
Heusinger, Klaus, editor.
Semantics in Language Acquisition Semantics in Language Acquisition
Syrett, Kristen; Sudha Arunachalam, editores.
Seneca Seneca
Zwierlein, Otto, autor.
Sexual Symmetry : Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres Sexual Symmetry : Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres
Konstan, David, autor.
Sic semper tyrannis :dictadura, violencia y memoria histrica en la narrativa hispnica Sic semper tyrannis : dictadura, violencia y memoria histórica en la narrativa hispánica
Camacho Delgado, José Manuel, autor.
Sources of Variation in First Language Acquisition : Languages, Contexts, and Larners Sources of Variation in First Language Acquisition : Languages, Contexts, and Larners
Hickmann, Maya; Edy Veneziano; Harriet Jisa, editores.
Soy simultneo :el concepto poetolgico de la autoficcin en la narrativa hispnica Soy simultáneo : el concepto poetológico de la autoficción en la narrativa hispánica
Toro, Vera, autor.
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact : Studies From Africa, the Americas, and Spain Spanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact : Studies From Africa, the Americas, and Spain
Rao, Rajiv, autor.
Statius Thebaid VII : A Commentary Statius Thebaid VII : A Commentary
Smolenaars, J. J. L., autor.
Strategies of Ambiguity in Ancient Literature Strategies of Ambiguity in Ancient Literature
Fuhrer, Therese, editor.
Structures of Epic Poetry Structures of Epic Poetry
Reitz, Christiane, editor.
Studien zu Petron und seiner Rezeption Studien zu Petron und seiner Rezeption
Castagna, Luigi, editor.
Studies in Ditransitive Constructions : A Comparative Handbook Studies in Ditransitive Constructions : A Comparative Handbook
Comrie, Bernard, editor
Studies in Greek Lexicography : in honor of John N. Kazazis Studies in Greek Lexicography : in honor of John N. Kazazis
Giannakis, Georgios K., editor.
Subject pronoun expression in spanish :a cross-dialectal perspective Subject pronoun expression in spanish : a cross-dialectal perspective
Shin, Naomi Lapidus, editor
Symbolism 2020 : An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics Symbolism 2020 : An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics
Ahrens, Rüdiger, editor.
Synchrony and Diachrony of Ancient Greek : Language, Linguistics and Philology Synchrony and Diachrony of Ancient Greek : Language, Linguistics and Philology
Giannakis, Georgios K., editor.
Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence : Revisited Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence : Revisited
Byram, Michael, autor.
Texts, Editors, and Readers : Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism Texts, Editors, and Readers : Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism
Tarrant, Richard John, autor.
The Archaeology of Greece and Rome : Studies In Honour of Anthony Snodgrass The Archaeology of Greece and Rome : Studies In Honour of Anthony Snodgrass
Bintliff, John L., editor.
The Art of History Literary Perspectives on Greek and Roman Historiography The Art of History Literary Perspectives on Greek and Roman Historiography
Farrington, Scott, editor.
The Birth and Death of Literary Theory : Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond The Birth and Death of Literary Theory : Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond
Tihanov, Galin, autor.
The Book of Books : Biblical Interpretation, Literary Culture, and the Political Imagination from Erasmus to Milton The Book of Books : Biblical Interpretation, Literary Culture, and the Political Imagination from Erasmus to Milton
Fulton, Thomas, autor.
The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates
Pormann, Peter E., editor.
The Cambridge Companion to the Greek and Roman Novel The Cambridge Companion to the Greek and Roman Novel
Whitmarsh, Tim, editor.
The campus novel : regional or global? The campus novel : regional or global?
Fuchs, Dieter, editor.
The Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi : a commentary The Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi : a commentary
Bassino, Paola, autor.
The Construction of Time in Antiquity : Ritual, Art, and Identity The Construction of Time in Antiquity : Ritual, Art, and Identity
Ben-Dov, Jonathan, editor.
The Development of Prosody in First Language Acquisition The Development of Prosody in First Language Acquisition
Prieto i Vives, Pilar; Nuria Esteve-Gibert, editores.
The Dido episode and the Aeneid : Roman social and political values in the epic The Dido episode and the Aeneid : Roman social and political values in the epic
Monti, Richard Ciro, autor.
The Evolution of Complex Spatial Expressions Within the Romance Family The Evolution of Complex Spatial Expressions Within the Romance Family
Hoelbeek, Thomas, autor
The Idea of Rome in Late Antiquity : From Eternal City to Imagined Utopia The Idea of Rome in Late Antiquity : From Eternal City to Imagined Utopia
Papadopoulos, Ioannis, autor.
The Jeweled Style : Poetry and Poetics in Late Antiquity The Jeweled Style : Poetry and Poetics in Late Antiquity
Roberts, Michael, autor.
The Language of Hunter-Gatherers The Language of Hunter-Gatherers
Güldemann, Tom, editor.
The Life of Understanding : A Contemporary Hermeneutics The Life of Understanding : A Contemporary Hermeneutics
Risser, James, autor
The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy : Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy : Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States
Bresson, Alain, autor.
The Mask of Comedy :  Aristophanes and the Intertextual Parabasis The Mask of Comedy : Aristophanes and the Intertextual Parabasis
Hubbard, Thomas K., autor.
The Materiality of Divine Agency The Materiality of Divine Agency
Pongratz-Leisten, Beate, editor.
The Mayan Languages The Mayan Languages
Aissen, Judith, editor
The Meanings of the Built Environment : A Semiotic and Geographical Approach to Monuments in the Post-Soviet Era The Meanings of the Built Environment : A Semiotic and Geographical Approach to Monuments in the Post-Soviet Era
Bellentani, Federico, autor.
The Milesians : Thales The Milesians : Thales
Wöhrle, Georg, editor.
The Names of Homeric Heroes : Problems and Interpretations The Names of Homeric Heroes : Problems and Interpretations
Kanavou, Nikoletta, autor.
The New Psychology of Language : Cognitive and Functional Approaches To Language Structure The New Psychology of Language : Cognitive and Functional Approaches To Language Structure
Tomasello, Michael, editor.
The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality
Aikhenvald, Aleksandra, editora.
The Peoples of Ancient Italy The Peoples of Ancient Italy
Farney, Gary D., editor.
The Poetics of Power in Augustan Rome :  Latin Poetic Responses to Early Imperial Iconography The Poetics of Power in Augustan Rome : Latin Poetic Responses to Early Imperial Iconography
Pandey, Nandini B., autor.
The pragmatics of personal pronouns The pragmatics of personal pronouns
Gardelle, Laure, editora.
The production of consonant clusters :implications for phonology and sound change The production of consonant clusters : implications for phonology and sound change
Recasens i Vives, Daniel, autor.
The Psychological Experience of Integrating Content and Language The Psychological Experience of Integrating Content and Language
Talbot, Kyle Read. autor.
The Role of Women in Work and Society in the Ancient Near East The Role of Women in Work and Society in the Ancient Near East
Lion, Brigitte, editor.
The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics
Katz, William F., editor.
The Semantics of Case The Semantics of Case
Kagan, Olga, autor.
The Space That Remains : Reading Latin Poetry in Late Antiquity The Space That Remains : Reading Latin Poetry in Late Antiquity
Pelttari, Aaron, autor.
The Sublime in Antiquity The Sublime in Antiquity
Porter, James I., autor.
The Translator of Desires : Poems The Translator of Desires : Poems
Ibn al-´Arabi, autor; Sells, Michael Anthony, traductor.
The Uses of Argument The Uses of Argument
Toulmin, Stephen, autor.
This City Belongs to You : A History of Student Activism in Guatemala, 1944-1996 This City Belongs to You : A History of Student Activism in Guatemala, 1944-1996
Vrana, Heather, autor
Three Critics of the Enlightenment : Vico, Hamann, Herder Three Critics of the Enlightenment : Vico, Hamann, Herder
Berlin, Isaiah, autor.
Thucydides Between History and Literature Thucydides Between History and Literature
Tsakmakis, Antonis, editor.
Tierleben On the Nature of Animals Tierleben On the Nature of Animals
Eliano, siglo III, autor. ; Kai Brodersen, ed.
Tonal change and neutralization Tonal change and neutralization
Kubozono, Haruo, editor.
Tra epigrafia e religione romana : scritti scelti, editi ed inediti, tradotti e aggiornati Tra epigrafia e religione romana : scritti scelti, editi ed inediti, tradotti e aggiornati
Scheid, John, autor.
Traductores del exilio :argentinos en editoriales espaolas: traducciones, escrituras por encargo y conflicto lingstico (1974-1983) Traductores del exilio : argentinos en editoriales españolas: traducciones, escrituras por encargo y conflicto lingüístico (1974-1983)
Falcón, Alejandrina, autor.
bersetzung = Translation = Traduction : Ein internationales Handbuch zur bersetzungsforschung Übersetzung = Translation = Traduction : Ein internationales Handbuch zur Übersetzungsforschung
Kittel, Harald, editor.
Understanding and Measuring Morphological Complexity Understanding and Measuring Morphological Complexity
Baerman, Matthew, editor
Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork
Meakins, Felicity, autor.
Untersuchungen zur hethitischen Raumgrammatik Untersuchungen zur hethitischen Raumgrammatik
Brosch, Cyril, autor.
Utopielyrik : Mglichkeitsdimensionen im poetischen Werk. Friedrich Hlderlin  - Rainer Maria Rilke - Paul Celan Utopielyrik : Möglichkeitsdimensionen im poetischen Werk. Friedrich Hölderlin - Rainer Maria Rilke - Paul Celan
Hayer, Bjo?rn, autor.
Valency Classes in the World's Languages : Case Studies from Austronesia, the Pacific, the Americas, and Theoretical Outlook Valency Classes in the World's Languages : Case Studies from Austronesia, the Pacific, the Americas, and Theoretical Outlook
Malchukov, Andrej, editor
Valency Classes in the World's Languages : Introducing the Framework, and Case Studies from Africa and Eurasia Valency Classes in the World's Languages : Introducing the Framework, and Case Studies from Africa and Eurasia
Comrie, Bernard, editor
Valerii Flacci Argonautica I : Commento Valerii Flacci Argonautica I : Commento
Galli, Daniela, autor.
Vanguardia latinoamericana : Tomo III Historia, crtica y documentos. Sudamrica. rea andina norte, Colombia y Venezuela Vanguardia latinoamericana : Tomo III Historia, crítica y documentos. Sudamérica. Área andina norte, Colombia y Venezuela
Müller-Bergh, Klaus, editor.
Variation and Evolution : Aspects of Language Contact and Contrast Across the Spanish-speaking World Variation and Evolution : Aspects of Language Contact and Contrast Across the Spanish-speaking World
Sessarego, Sandro, autor.
Variation in Time and Space : Observing the World through Corpora Variation in Time and Space : Observing the World through Corpora
Cermáková, Anna, editor.
Variedades de la lengua espaola Variedades de la lengua española
Moreno Fernández, Francisco, autor.
Vergangenes verhandeln : Sptantike Statusdiskurse senatorischer Eliten in Gallien und Italien Vergangenes verhandeln : Spätantike Statusdiskurse senatorischer Eliten in Gallien und Italien
Meurer, Tabea L., autor.
Versvs Balnearvm : Die antike Dichtung ber Bder und Baden im rmischen Reich Versvs Balnearvm : Die antike Dichtung über Bäder und Baden im römischen Reich
Busch, Stephan, autor.
Virgil's Gaze : Nation and Poetry in the Aeneid Virgil's Gaze : Nation and Poetry in the Aeneid
Reed, J. D., autor.
Visual Linguistcs with R : A practical introduction to quantitative Interactional Linguistics Visual Linguistcs with R : A practical introduction to quantitative Interactional Linguistics
Rühlemann, Christoph, autor.
Voices of the Wild : Animal Songs, Human Din, and the Call to Save Natural Soundscapes Voices of the Wild : Animal Songs, Human Din, and the Call to Save Natural Soundscapes
Krause, Bernie, autor
Von Gnathon zu Saturio : Die Parasitenfigur und das Verhltnis der rmischen Komdie zur griechischen Von Gnathon zu Saturio : Die Parasitenfigur und das Verhältnis der römischen Komödie zur griechischen
Antonsen-Resch, Andrea, autor.
Von Gnathon zu Saturio : Die Parasitenfigur und das Verhltnis der rmischen Komdie zur griechischen Von Gnathon zu Saturio : Die Parasitenfigur und das Verhältnis der römischen Komödie zur griechischen
Antonsen-Resch, Andrea, autor.
Wandering Myths : Transcultural Uses of Myth in the Ancient World Wandering Myths : Transcultural Uses of Myth in the Ancient World
Audley-Miller, Lucy, editor.
Werner Jaeger : Wissenschaft, Bildung, Politik Werner Jaeger : Wissenschaft, Bildung, Politik
King, Colin Guthrie, editor.
What it Takes to Talk What it Takes to Talk
Ibbotson, Paul, autor.
Where Dreams May Come : Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World Where Dreams May Come : Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World
Renberg, Gil H., autor.
Women and Temporality in Literature and Cinema : Negotiating with Timelessness Women and Temporality in Literature and Cinema : Negotiating with Timelessness
Ahlawat, Ila, autor.
World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality : Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality : Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise
Müller, Gesine, editora.
Writing and Power in the Roman World : Literacies and Material Culture Writing and Power in the Roman World : Literacies and Material Culture
Eckardt, Hella, autor.
Writing Biography in Greece and Rome : Narrative Technique and Fictionalization Writing Biography in Greece and Rome : Narrative Technique and Fictionalization
Temmerman, Koen de, editor.
Xenophon's Spartan Constitution : Introduction. Text. Commentary Xenophon's Spartan Constitution : Introduction. Text. Commentary
Lipka, Michael, autor.
Yo, Don Hernando Corts : reflexiones en torno a la escritura cortesiana Yo, Don Hernando Cortés : reflexiones en torno a la escritura cortesiana
Aracil Varón, Beatriz, autor.
Zenon von Elea : Studien zu den Argumenten gegen die Vielheit und zum sogenannten Argument des Orts Zenon von Elea : Studien zu den Argumenten gegen die Vielheit und zum sogenannten Argument des Orts
Koehler, Gerhard, autor.





Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM
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