A Century of Communication Studies : The Unfinished Conversation Gehrke, Pat J., editor; Keith, William M., editor. |
A History of the Roman Equestrian Order Davenport, Caillan, autor. |
A theory of the aphorism : from Confucius to Twitter Hui, Andrew, autor. |
Academic English for Second Language Learners Arjona Samague, Julieta, autor. |
Aeneis Virgilio Marón, Publio, autor; Conte, Gian Biagio, editor. |
Aetas Claudianea : A Conference at the Free University of Berlin from 28th to 30th June 2002 Ehlers, Widu-Wolfgang, editor. |
Alcman Römer, Cornelia, editor. |
Alemannien und der Norden : Internationales Symposium vom 18.-20. Oktober 2001 in Zürich Naumann, Hans-Peter, editor. |
Alexander von Aphrodisias Moraux, Paul, autor. |
Amazonian Spanish : Language contact and evolution Fafulas, Stephen, editor. |
An outline of sociology as applied to medicine Armstrong, David L., autor |
An seine Freunde / Epistulae ad familiares : Lateinisch - Deutsc Cicerón, Marco Tulio, autor; Kasten, Helmut, editor |
Análisis de la Conversación : Fundamentos, metodología y alcances. Raymond, Chase Wesley; Luis Manuel Olguín, autores. |
Ancient Comedy and Reception : Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Henderson Olson, S. Douglas, editor |
Ancient Greek and Roman Art and Architecture [Handbook of Greek Sculpture, vol. 1] Palagia, Olga; Francesco de Angelis; Clemente Marconi, editores. |
Ancient Greek Dialects and Early Authors Miller, D. Gary, autor |
Ancient Greek Verb-Initial Compounds Tribulato, Olga, autora. |
Antike Gemmen und ihr Nachleben Zwierlein Diehl, Erika, autor. |
Antike Kritik an der Stoa Nickel, Rainer, editor. |
Antike mythologie in christlichen kontexten der Spätantike Leppin, Hartmut, editor. |
Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching Basa, Rowela S., autor. |
Approaches to Greek Poetry : Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, and Aeschylus in Ancient Exegesis Ercoles, Marco, editor. |
Apuleius' Florida : A Commentary Lee, Benjamin Todd, autor. |
Archi : Complexities of Agreement in Cross-theoretical Perspective Bond, Oliver, editor |
Architecture and Politics in Republican Rome Davies, Penelope J. E., autor. |
Aretai und virtutes Classen, Carl Joachim, autor. |
Aristotle - Contemporary Perspectives on his Thought : On the 2400th Anniversary of Aristotle's Birth Sphendone?-Mentzou, De?me?tra, editor. |
Aristotle?s Metaphysics Lambda : New Essays Horn, Christoph, editor. |
Artes Grammaticae in frammenti : i testi grammaticali latini e bilingui greco-latini su papiro Scappaticcio, Maria Chiara, autor. |
Arts of Connection : Poetry, History, Epochality Feldman, Karen, autor. |
Aspects of Grammaticalization : (Inter)Subjectification and Directionality Olmen, Daniel, editor. |
Associated Motion Guillaume, Antoine, editor. |
Augustini Valerii De Rhetorica Ecclesiastica Libri III Valier, Agostino, 1530-1606, autor. |
Austronesian Soundscapes Abels, Birgit, ed. |
Autobiografía del esclavo poeta y otros escritos Manzano, Juan Francisco, 1797-1854, autor. |
A violent spectacle : terrorism in contemporary peninsular drama Downs, Tara, autor. |
Beyond grammaticalization and discourse markers Pons Bordería, Salvador, editor. |
Bilder machen Räume : Mythenbilder in pompeianischen Häusern Lorenz, Katharina, autora. |
Biographie und Bildungskultur : Personendarstellungen bei Plinius dem Jüngeren, Gellius und Sueton Pausch, Dennis, autor. |
Birth of the Symbol Struck, Peter T., autor. |
Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy Frede, Dorothea, editor. |
Bones of the Maya : Studies of Ancient Skeletons Whittington, Stephen L., editor. |
Book Traces : Nineteenth-Century Readers and the Future of the Library Stauffer, Andrew M., autor. |
Brill's Companion to Nonnus of Panopolis Accorinti, Domenico, editor. |
Brill's Companion to Ovid Boyd, Barbara Weiden, editor. |
Brill's Companion to Silius Italicus Augoustakis, Antony, editor. |
Bucolica / Georgica Virgilio Marón, Publio, autor; Ottaviano, Silvia; Conte, Gian Biagio, editores. |
Byzanzrezeption in Europa : Spurensuche u?ber das Mittelalter und die Renaissance bis in die Gegenwart Kolovou, Foteini, autor. |
Calderón : textos, mitos y representaciones Escudero Baztán, Juan Manuel, editor. |
Callimachus and His Critics Cameron, Alan, autor. |
Canonical Morphology and Syntax Brown, Dunstan, editor |
Capire il greco Pierini, Rachele, autora. |
Carmina Latina Epigraphica IV Cugusi, Paolo, editor |
Carto(corpo)grafías : nuevo reparto de las voces en la narrativa de autoras latinoamericanas del siglo XXI Bustamante Escalona, Fernanda; y Lorena Amaro Castro, editoras |
Category change from a constructional perspective Goethem, Kristel van, editor. |
Catulls Epigramme im Kontext hellenistischer Dichtung Hartz, Cornelius, autor. |
Cervantes y las religiones Fine, Ruth, editor. |
Changes in Meaning and Function : Studies in Historical Linguistics with a Focus on Spanish Ferna?ndez Jae?n, Jorge |
Church and State in Guatemala Holleran, Mary Patricia, autor |
Ciceros Rede cum senatui gratias egit : Ein Kommentar Boll, Tobias, autor. |
Classicism and Christianity in Late Antique Latin Poetry Hardie, Philip, autor. |
Claudian the Poet Coombe, Clare, autor. |
Coefore : i canti Esquilo, autor; Giampaolo Galvani, editor. |
Colonialism and Missionary Linguistics Kellermeier-Rehbein, Birte, editor |
Comedy and Religion in Classical Athens : Narratives of Religious Experiences in Aristophanes Wealth Barrenechea, Francisco, autor. |
Comentarios de erudición (libro decimosexto) Jiménez Patón, Bartolomé, autor. |
Commentarius in Claudii Ptolemaei Harmonica Porfirio, autor; Raffa, Massimo, editor. |
Comparison and Gradation in Indo-European Hock, Wolfgang, editor. |
Constructing Us Aijón Oliva, Miguel Ángel, autor. |
Contacto lingüístico y la emergencia de variantes y variedades lingüísticas Escobar, Anna Maria, editor. |
Contactos y contextos lingüísticos : el español en los Estados Unidos y en contacto con otras lenguas Ortiz Lopez, Luis A., editor. |
Conversaciones en verso Marías, Clara |
Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum : Inscriptiones parietariae Pompeianae Herculanenses Stabianae : Suppl. Pars 4, Fasc. 3 Varone, Antonio, editor. |
Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece : A Philology of Worlds Gagné, Renaud, autor. |
Count and Mass Across Languages Massam, Diane, editor |
Creating Understanding : How Communicating Aligns Minds Gasiorek, Jessica; R. Kelly Aune, autores |
Crossing Borders, Making Connections : Interdisciplinarity in Linguistics Burkette, Allison, editor. |
Culto del mal, cultura del mal : realidad, virtualidad, representación Hartwig, Susanne, editor. |
Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition : How children use their environment to learn Rowland, Caroline F., ed. |
Current Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics Pascual y Cabo, Diego, editor. |
Dante´s Dream : A Jungian Psychoanalytical Approach Hood, Gwenyth E., autora. |
Darstellungsziele und Erzählstrategien in antiken Texten : Narratives, objectives, and strategies in classical texts Köhnken, Adolf , autor. |
Das Komische bei Plautus : Eine Analyse zur plautinischen Poetik Sander-Pieper, Gudrun, autor. |
Das romische spielewesen in der spatantike Puk, Alexander, autor. |
Data Collection in Sociolinguistics : Methods and Applications Mallinson, Christine, editor. |
De la literatura latinoamericana a la literatura (latinoamericana) mundial Locane, Jorge J., autor. |
De natura animalium Eliano, autor. |
Decolonizing the Map : Cartography from Colony to Nation Akerman, James R., ed. |
Demonstratives and Grammaticalization : A Perspective from Modern Turkish Balpinar, Metin, autor. |
Demonstratives in Cross-linguistic Perspective Levinson, Stephen C., editor |
Der antike Fiktionalitätsdiskurs : Ancient Discourse about Fictionality Feddern, Stefan, autor. |
Der Arzt im Altertum : Griechisch und lateinische Quellenstücke von Hippokrates bis Galen Müri, Walter, editor. |
Der Kaiser und Konstantinopel : Kommunikation und Konfliktaustrag in einer spa?tantiken Metropole Pfeilschifter, Rene, autor. |
Der Majuskelgebrauch im Deutschen Müller, Hans-Georg, autor. |
Der Papyrus von Derveni Kotwick, Mirjam E, editor. |
Der Tod auf der Bühne : Jenseitsmächte in der antiken Tragödie Schlatter, Emrys, autor. |
Der Tod und die Ma?dchen : Amazonen auf ro?mischen Sarkophagen Russenberger, Christian, autor. |
Derived Coordination : a Minimalist Perspective on Clause Chains Weisser, Philipp, autor |
Descubrir el cuerpo : estudios sobre la corporalidad en el género negro en Chile, Argentina y México Schmitz, Sabine, editor |
Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon : das Mittelalter : Band 5, Epik (Vers - Strophe - Prosa) und Kleinformen Achnitz, Wolfgang, editor. |
Development of Modality in First Language Acquisition : A Cross-Linguistic Perspective Stephany, Ursula, editor. |
Diagoras of Melos : A Contribution to the History of Ancient Atheism Winiarczyk, Marek, autor. |
Die Catilinarischen Reden : Lateinisch - Deutsch Cicerón, Marco Tulio, autor; Fuhrmann, Manfred, editor |
Die Mosaiken der Acheiropoietos-Basilika in Thessaloniki : Eine vergleichende Analyse dekorativer Mosaiken des 5. und 6. Jahrhunderts Fourlas, Benjamin, autor. |
Die Rezeption lateinischer Wissenschaft, Spiritualität, Bildung und Dichtung aus Frankreich Knapp, Fritz Peter, editor. |
Die römische Gesellschaft bei Galen : Biographie und Sozialgeschichte Schlange Schöningen, Heinrich, autor. |
Die Tragödien des Pacuvius : Ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten mit Einleitung, Text und Übersetzung Pacuvio, Marco, autor; Schierl, Petra, ed. |
Diminutives across Languages, Theoretical Frameworks and Linguistic Domains Manova, Stela, editor. |
Dinámicas de inclusión y exclusión en América Latina : conceptos y prácticas de etnicidad, ciudadanía y pertenencia Potthast-Jutkeit, Barbara, editor. |
Diplomazia e propaganda a Roma ai tempi delle guerre d'oltremare Russo, Federico, autor. |
Discourse particles formal approaches to their syntax and semantics Bayer, Josef, editor. |
Distant Horizons : Digital Evidence and Literary Change Underwood, Ted, autor. |
Diversidad cultural-ficcional-¿moral? Hartwig, Susanne, editor |
Diversity in contact Levkovych, Nataliya, editor. |
Divinarum institutionum libri septem. Fasc 2, Libri III et IV Lactantius, Lucius Caelius Firmianus, autor. |
Dynamics of Ancient Prose : Biographic, Novelistic, Apologetic Thorsen, Thea S., editor. |
Dyonisus : the epic fragments Benaissa, Amin, editor. |
Early Greek Epic Fragments I : Antiquarian and Genealogical Epic Tsagalis, Christos, autor. |
Editar a Calderón : hacia una edición crítica de las comedias completas Arellano, Ignacio, autor. |
Eine tanzende Kirche : Initiation, Ritual und Liturgie im spätmittelalterlichen Frankreich Knäble, Philip, autor. |
Ekphrasis Wandhoff, Haiko, autor. |
El Alcalde de Zalamea : Edición crítica de las dos versiones de Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, autor. |
El autor a escena : intermedialidad y autoficción Casas, Ana, editor. |
El botón de seda negra Parada, Esperanza López, autor. |
El cancionero de la corte de Carlos V y su autor, Luis de Ávila y Zúñiga Marino, Nancy F., autor. |
El drago en el jardín de edén Mason, Peter, autor. |
El giro lingüístico hermenéutica y análisis del lenguaje Fabris, Adriano, autor |
El libro y sus circunstancias : in memoriam Klaus D. Vervuert Campa, Mariano de la, editor |
El monstruo como máquina de guerra Moraña, Mabel, autor. |
El que no tiene de inga, tiene de mandinga : honor y mestizaje en los mundos americanos Albiez, Sarah; Lina Mercedes Cruz Lira; y Antonio Fuentes Barragán, editores. |
El segundo Quijote (1615) : nuevas interpretaciones cuatro siglos después (2015) Domènech, Conxita, editor. |
El virtuoso discreto : primera y segunda parte Jiménez Patón, Bartolomé, autor. |
Emerging Sign Languages of the Americas Le Guen, Olivier, editor. |
Emperor and Senators in the Reign of Constantius II : Maintaining Imperial Rule Between Rome and Constantinople in the Fourth Century AD Moser, Muriel, autor. |
Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, The Chapelle, Carol, editor. |
Entrenchment in Usage Based Theories : What Corpus Data Do and Do Not Reveal About The Mind Blumenthal Dramé, Alice, autora. |
Épigrammes de Maxime Planude, Les Planudes, Maximus, autor.; Taxidis, Ilias, editor. |
Erasmus, Man of Letters : The Construction of Charisma in Print Jardine, Lisa, autor. |
Escribir desde el océano : la navegación de Hernando de Alarcón y otras retóricas del andar por el nuevo mundo Rodríguez, Jimena, autor. |
Espectros y conjuras : asedios a la cuestión colonial Jáuregui, Carlos A., autor. |
Etruscology Naso, Alessandro, editor. |
Excavations in the West Plaza of Tikal Haviland, William A. |
Features in Phonology and Phonetics Clements, Nick, autor |
Ficciones etnográficas : literatura, ciencias sociales y proyectos nacionales en el Caribe hispano del siglo XIX Domínguez, Daylet, autor. |
Fremde in der hellenistischen Polis Rhodos : Zwischen Na?he und Distanz Boyxen, Benedikt, autor. |
From Hannibal to Sulla : the birth of civil war in Republican Rome Lange, Carsten Hjort |
Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching Sumague, Julieta Arjona, autor. |
Gaze, Vision, and Visuality in Ancient Greek Literature Kampakoglou, Alexandros, editor. |
Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature : Encounters, Interactions and Transformations Papanghelis, Theodore D., editor. |
Geografías caleidoscópicas Phaf-Rheinberger, Ineke, editor. |
Geography, Topography, Landscape : Configurations of Space in Greek and Roman Epic Skempis, Marius, editor. |
Geschichte der römischen Literatur Albrecht, Michael von, autor. |
Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld and the Sumerian Gilgamesh Cycle Gadotti, Alhena, autor. |
Graecia capta : de la conquista de Grecia a la helenización de Roma Gascò, Fernando, editor. |
Gramaticalización, lexicalización y análisis del discurso desde una perspectiva histórica Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga, Francisco Javier, editor. |
Grammaticalization - theory and data Hancil, Sylvie, editor. |
Greek Theatre in the Fourth Century BC Csapo, Eric, editor. |
Greeks, Books and Libraries in Renaissance Venice Piccione, Rosa Maria, editor. |
Grenzen der Antike : Die Produktivität von Grenzen in Transformationsprozessen Heinze, Anna, editor. |
Griechische Literaturgeschichtsschreibung : Traditionen, Probleme und Konzepte Grethlein, Jonas, editor. |
Harmonie des Sirènes du pythagorisme ancien à Platon, La Viltanioti, Irini Fotini, autor. |
Helenae encomium Gorgias, de Leontino, autor; Pietro Bembo, traductor. |
Heridas abiertas : Biopolítica y representación en América Latina Moraña, Mabel, editor. |
Hermenéutica analógica y hermenéutica débil Beuchot, Mauricio, autor |
Hermenéutica de la encrucijada : analogía, retórica y filosofía Beuchot, Mauricio, autor |
Heródoto en el Siglo de Oro : Fragmentos históricos y literarios Marino, Giuseppe, autor. |
Herodotus : narrator, scientist, historian Bowie, Ewen, editor. |
Herodotus and the topography of Xerxes? invasion : Place and memory in Greece and Anatolia Rookhuijzen, Jan Zacharias van, autor. |
Hippocratis De humoribus : Edidit, in linguam Germanicam vertit, commentatus est Overwien, Oliver, editor. |
Historia de la ciencia ficción latinoamericana : I Desde los orígenes hasta la modernidad López Pellisa, Teresa, editor. |
Historia de la lengua y crítica textual Pons Rodríguez, Lola, autora. |
Historical Linguistics and Language Change Kulkarni, Prafull Dhondopant, editor. |
Hölderlin und das Theater : Produktion - Rezeption - Transformation Castellari, Marco, autor. |
Homer's Iliad : Book XIV Krieter-Spiro, Martha, autor. |
Homer's Iliad : the Basel commentary Book XVIII Coray, Marina, autor. |
Homer's Iliad : the Basel commentary. Book XVI Bru?gger, Claude, autor. |
Homeric Receptions Across Generic and Cultural Contexts Efstathiou, Athanasios, editor. |
Horizontes del exilio Díaz Silva, Elena, editor. |
Humor de género Ruiz Gurillo, Leonor |
Hypatia : The True Story Ronchey, Silvia, autora. |
Iberian Imperialism and Language Evolution in Latin America Mufwene, Salikoko S., ed. |
Iconofagias, distopías y farsas : ficción y política en América Latina Nemrava, Daniel, 1975-, editor. |
Il riso di Hephaistos : all'origine del comico nella poesia e nell'arte dei greci Natale, Antonio, autor. |
Imitate Anacreon! : Mimesis, Poiesis and the Poetic Inspiration in the Carmina Anacreontea Baumbach, Manuel, editor. |
Impronte pompeiane Patricelli, Giovanni, autor. |
In Platonis Phaedrum Scholia Hermias, de Alejandría, autor; Lucarini, Carlo M., editor. |
In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language : A Corpus-driven Approach Mello, Heliana, editor. |
Informe final de labores (enero 2016 - enero 2020) Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM; Mario Humberto Ruz Sosa, director. |
International Yearbook of Futurism Studies : Futurism in Latin America (v. 7, 2017) Aguirre, Mariana, editor. |
Intratextuality and Latin Literature Frangoulidis, Stavros, editor. |
Ione : i canti Eurípides, autor; Santé, Paolo, editor. |
Jewish Exegesis and Homeric Scholarship in Alexandria Niehoff, Maren, autor. |
Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity Geue, Tom, autor. |
Kaiser und Tyrann : Die Kodierung und Umkodierung der Herrscherrepräsentation Neros und Domitians Cordes, Lisa, autor. |
Kommentar zur 4. Philippischen Rede des Demosthenes Hajdu, Istvan, autor. |
Kontinuität und Diskontinuität : Germania inferior am Beginn und am Ende der römischen Herrschaft : Beiträge des deutsch-niederländischen Kolloquiums in der Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (27. bis 30.06. 2001) Grünewald, Thomas, editor. |
Kritischer Kommentar zu Lukrezens "De rerum natura" Deufert, Marcus, autor. |
La allusione necessaria : ricerche intertestuali sulla poesia greca e latina Bonanno, Maria Grazia, autor. |
La aparición de los libros plúmbeos y los modos de escribir la historia : de Pedro de Castro al inca Garcilaso de la Vega Cárdenas Bunsen, José Alejandro, autor. |
La aporía descolonial : releyendo la tradición crítica de la crítica literaria latinoamericana en los casos de Antonio Cornejo Polar y Ángel Rama Pistacchio Herna?ndez, Romina, autor. |
La atalaya de las corónicas (1443) Martínez de Toledo, Alfonso, autor. |
La conversación civil Guazzo, Stefano, autor |
La devoción de la cruz Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, autor |
La emancipación de América Central en su retrospectiva (1821-2021) Blecha, Laurin, editor. |
La fiducia secondo gli antichi : "pistis" in Gorgia tra Parmenide e Platone Bontempi, Milena |
La narración perturbadora : un nuevo concepto narratológico transmedial Schlickers, Sabine, autor. |
La narrativa española en la prensa estadounidense : Hallazgo, promoción, publicación y crítica (1875-1900) Caballer Dondarza, Mercedes, autor. |
La Poncella de Francia : la historia castellana de Juana de Arco Campo, Victoria, editor. |
La recepción crítica de la obra de Delmira Agustini por sus contemporáneos : A través de su correspondencia inédita y poco difundida Fernández dos Santo, Mirta, autor. |
La retirada del poema: literatura hispánica e imaginación política moderna Varón González, Carlos, autor. |
La Romania en interacción : entre historia, contacto y política : ensayos en homenaje a Klaus Zimmermann Zimmermann, Klaus, editor. |
La vanguardia y su huella Millares, Selena, editora. |
Landscapes of the Mind : Worlds of Sense and Metaphor Porteous, J. Douglas |
Landscapes Revenge : The ecology of failure in Robert Walser and Bernardo Carvalho Yurgel, Caio, autor. |
Language and Literacy Development Nemelka, Christopher Marc, autor. |
Language and the Internet Leobrera, Sandy Jessie Lynn Balela, autora. |
Language Contact : An International Handbook Darquennes, Jeroen, editor. |
Language Isolates Campbell, Lyle, editor. |
Languages of the World : A Critical Introduction Kulkarni, Prafull Dhondopant, autor. |
Las amazonas de España ; La hazaña mayor de Alcides Cañizares, José de, autor. |
Las lenguas toman la Tribuna . |
Latein, Griechisch, Hebräisch : Studien und Dokumentationen zur deutschen Sprachreflexion in Barock und Aufklärung Roelcke, Thorsten, autor. |
Latin America : The Allure and Power of an Idea Tenorio-Trillo, Mauricio |
Latinitatis Rationes : Descriptive and Historical Accounts for the Latin Language Poccetti, Paolo, editor. |
Law and (dis)order in the ancient Near East : proceedings of the 59th Rencontre assyriologique internationale held at Ghent, Belgium, 14-19 July 2013 Graef, Katrien de, editor. |
Learning Latin the Ancient Way : Latin Textbooks from the Ancient World Dickey, Eleanor, autor. |
Lecturas del pasado : poética y usos culturales de la leyenda literaria Vega Rodríguez, Pilar, editor. |
Lectures plurielles du «De ira» de Sénèque : Interprétations, contextes, enjeux Laurand, Valéry, editor. |
Leon Battista Alberti, -Della tranquillità dell'animo- : Eine Interpretation auf dem Hintergrund der antiken Quellen Scho?ndube, Matthias, autor. |
Lexical priming : applications and advances Pace-Sigge, Michael, editor. |
Lexis : lessico della lingua greca per radici e famiglie di parole Ugolini, Gherardo, autor. |
Libro de los cien capítulos : dichos de sabios en palabras breves e complidas Haro Cortes, Marta, editor. |
Liebe und Lyrik : Zur Funktion des erotischen Diskurses in Horazens erster Odensammlung Eicks, Mathias, autor. |
Lifespan Acquisition and Language Change Historical sociolinguistic perspectives Sanz Sánchez, Israel, ed. |
Líneas de fuga : Migración, frontera y sujeto migrante Moraña, Mabel, autor. |
Linguistica e retorica della tragedia greca Battezzato, Luigi, autor. |
Literacy in Ancient Everyday Life Kolb, Anne, editor. |
Literary Hermeneutics : From Methodology to Ontology Kalaga, Tomasz, autor |
Literatura latinoamericana mundial Guerrero, Gustavo, editor. |
Lope de Vega y el humanismo cristiano Ponce Cárdenas, Jesús, editor. |
Los indios de México en el siglo XXI Hernández Bringas, Héctor, editor |
Los pre-textos del teatro áureo español Arnscheidt, Gero, editor |
Los relatos de Julio Cortázar en el cine de ficción (1962-2009) López Petzoldt, Bruno, autor. |
Luciano di Samosata "Timone o il misantropo" : Introduzione, traduzione e commento Tomassi, Gianluigi, autor. |
Lucien et la tragédie Karavas, Orestis, autor. |
Lucillio, Epigrammi : introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento Lucillius, autor; Floridi, Lucia, tr. |
Lydien : Ein altanatolischer Staat zwischen Griechenland und dem Vorderen Orient Högemann, Peter, autor. |
Lysistrate : Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar Aristófanes, autor; Landfester, Manfred, editor. |
L´esthétique populiste: « L´Amour du peuple » dans la culture française de l´entre-deux-guerres Kern, Matthias, autor. |
Manual de lingüística del hablar Loureda, O?scar, editor. |
Manual de lingüística portuguesa Martins, Ana Maria, ed. |
Manual of deixis in Romance languages Jungbluth, Konstanze, editor. |
Manual of grammatical interfaces in Romance Fischer, Susann, editor. |
Manual of language acquisition Fäcke, Christiane, editor. |
Manual of Romance languages in the media Bedijs, Kristina, editor. |
Manual of romance morphosyntax and syntax Gabriel, Christoph, ed. |
Manual of romance sociolinguistics Ayres-Bennett, Wendy, editor. |
Manuale di linguistica friulana Heinemann, Sabine, editor. |
Manuale di lingüística italiana Lubello, Sergio, editor. |
Manuale di lingüística sarda Ferrer, Eduardo Blasco, ed. |
Manuel de la philologie de lédition Trotter, David, editor. |
Manuel de linguistique française Claudia Polzin-Haumann, editor. |
Manuel de traductologie Albrecht, Jörn, editor. |
Manuel des anthologies, corpus et textes romans Iliescu, Maria, editor. |
Manuel des francophonies Reutner, Ursula, editor. |
Manuel des frontières linguistiques dans la Romania Ossenkop, Christina, editor. |
Manuel des langues de spécialité Forner, Werner, editor. |
Manuel des langues romanes Klump, Andre, editor. |
Mathematische Modellierung bei Platon zwischen Thales und Euklid Lattmann, Claas, autor. |
Maya Folktales from the Alta Verapaz Danien, Elin C., ed. |
Meaning and Linguistic Variation : The Third Wave in Sociolinguistics Eckert, Penelope, autor |
Medea Eurípides; Bernd Manuwald, traductor |
Medieval Futurity : Essays for the Future of a Queer Medieval Studies Rogers, Will, autor. |
Memory and Emotions in Antiquity : Ancient Emotions IV Kazantzidis, Georgios; De?mos G. Spatharas, editores |
Menon : Übersetzung und Kommentar Platón, autor; Ebert, Theodor, tr. |
Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork Bochnak, M. Ryan, editor |
Millennia of Language Change : Sociolinguistic Studies in Deep Historical Linguistics Trudgill, Peter, autor. |
Miradas locales en tiempos globales : intervenciones literarias sobre la ciudad latinoamericana Locane, Jorge J., autor. |
Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tika Structures in and Around the Lost World Plaza, Tikal Report 23D Loten, H. Stanley, autor |
Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal--Great Temples III, IV, V, and VI, Tikal Report 23B Loten, H. Stanley, autor |
Models from the Past in Roman Culture : A World of Exempla Roller, Matthew B., autor. |
Modernidades indígenas Pitarch Ramón, Pedro, autor. |
Monsters and Monstrosity : From the Canon to the Anti-Canon: Literary and Juridical Subversions Carpi, Daniela, editora. |
Monument und Inschrift : gesammelte Aufsätze zur senatorischen Repräsentation in der Kaiserzeit Eck, Werner, autor. |
Morphological Complexity within and across Boundaries : In honour of Asli Göksel Gürer, Asli, editor |
Morphological Complexity Baerman, Matthew, autor |
Mortal and Divine in Early Greek Epistemology : A Study of Hesiod, Xenophanes and Parmenides Tor, Shaul, autor. |
Multilingualism and Pluricentricity : A Tale of Many Cities Hajek, John, editor. |
Mundos (casi) imposibles : narrativa postmoderna mexicana Cruz-Grunerth, Gerardo, autor. |
Mura di Roma : memorie e visioni della città Parisi Presicce, Claudio, editor. |
Mythen in nachmythischer Zeit : Die Antike in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Gegenwart Seidensticker, Bernd, editor. |
Mythische Erzählstrukturen in Herodots -Historien- Wesselmann, Katharina, autor. |
Narcoficciones en México y Colombia Adriaensen, Brigitte, editor. |
Narrative Factuality : A Handbook Fludernik, Monika, editora. |
Narratives of Annihilation, Confinement, and Survival : Camp Literature in a Transnational Perspective Tippner, Anja, editora. |
Nationbuilding en el cine mexicano : desde la Época de Oro al presente Schmidt-Welle, Friedhelm, editor. |
Nemesianus, Cynegetica Nemesiano, Marco Aurelio Olimpio, autor; Jakobi, Rainer, editor. |
New directions in grammaticalization research Smith, Andrew D. M., editor. |
New Perspectives on Mixed Languages : From Core to Fringe Mazzoli, Maria, editor. |
New trends on grammaticalization and language change Hancil, Sylvie, editor. |
Nonnus of Panopolis in Context : Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World Spanoudakis, Konstantinos, editor |
Omero e i suoi oratori : Homer and His Speakers Dentice di Accadia, Stefano, autor. |
Origine des instruments de musique Schaeffner, André, autor |
Orpheus in der Spätantike : Studien und Kommentar zu den Argonautika des Orpheus: Ein literarisches, religiöses und philosophisches Zeugnis Schelske, Oliver, autor. |
Our Lives - Our Stories : Life Experiences of Elderly Deaf People Pfau, Roland, editor. |
Ovid's Erotic Poems : "Amores" and "Ars Amatoria" Ovidio, autor. ; Krisak, Len, traductor. |
P. Ovidii Nasonis Epistula ex Ponto III, 1 : testo, traduzione e commento Ovidio Nasón, Publio, autor; Larosa, Beatrice, editor. |
P. Papini Stati Thebaidos libri XII Estacio, Publio Papinio, autor. |
Pasados contemporáneos : acercamientos interdisciplinarios a los derechos humanos y las memorias en Perú y América Latina Johansson, María Teresa, editor. |
Paul Celan Today : A Companion Eskin, Michael; Leeder, Karen; Pajevi?, Marko, editores. |
Paulus und das antike Schulwesen : Schule und Bildung des Paulus Vegge, Tor, autor. |
Performance, Memory, and Processions in Ancient Rome : The Pompa Circensis from the Late Republic to Late Antiquity Latham, Jacob A., autor. |
Perpetua und der Ägypter oder Bilder des Bösen im frühen afrikanischen Christentum Habermehl, Peter, autor. |
Petrarchism at Work : Contextual Economies in the Age of Shakespeare Kennedy, William J., autor. |
Philippus Arabs : Ein Soldatenkaiser in der Tradition des antoninisch-severischen Prinzipats Körner, Christian, autor. |
Philosophical Interpretations Fogelin, Robert J., autor |
Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? : Kultur, literatur und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektiven Müller, Gernot, editor. |
Phonological typology Hyman, Larry M., editor. |
Plato in the Third Sophistic Fowler, Ryan C., editor. |
Plato s Styles and Characters : Between Literature and Philosophy Cornelli, Gabriele, editor. |
Plato´s forms, mathematics and astronomy Kouremenos, Theokritos, autor. |
Plautine Trends : Studies in Plautine Comedy and its Reception Karakasis, Evangelos, editor. |
Poesías completas de José María Heredia : Edición crítica Altenberg, Tilmann, autor. |
Poetry for Patrons : Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian Nauta, Ruurd R., autor. |
Politics in the Roman Republic Mouritsen, Henrik, autor. |
Politische Gedichte : Carmina Maiora Claudiano, Claudio, 370-408, autor.; Philipp Weiß, ed. |
Power and Privilege in Roman Society Duncan-Jones, Richard, autor. |
Praeneste tra archeologia ed epigrafia [Corpus inscriptionum latinarum] Horster, Marietta, editor. |
Pragmatics at its Interfaces Assimakopoulos, Stavros, editor |
Präsenz des Mythos : Konfigurationen einer Denkform in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit Friedrich, Udo, editor. |
Progymnasmata quae exstant omnia : Severus Sophista Alexandrinus, autor. |
Prosody in Syntactic Encoding Kentner, Gerrit, editor. |
Prudentius, Psychomachia : Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar Frisch, Magnus, autor. |
Quis maritus salvetur? : Untersuchungen zur Radikalisierung des Jungfräulichkeitsideals im 4. Jahrhundert Weisser, Daniel, autor. |
R. Murray Schafer Adams, Stephen, autor |
Race Is about Politics : Lessons from History Schaub, Jean-Frédéric, autor |
Re-mapping World Literature : Writing, Book Markets and Epistemologies between Latin America and the Global South Müller, Gesine, editora. |
Recalculating Bernstein, Charles, autor. |
Redeeming Laughter : The Comic Dimension of Human Experience Berger, Peter L., autor. |
Redefining Ancient Orphism ; A Study in Greek Religion Edmonds, Radcliffe G., autor. |
Relatos de Julio Cortázar en el cine de ficción (1962-2009), Los López Petzoldt, Bruno, autor. |
Republics of the New World The Revolutionary Political Experiment in Nineteenth-Century Latin America Sabato, Hilda, autor |
Retomando la palabra : Las pioneras del XIX en diálogo con la crítica contemporánea Martin, Claire Emilie, editor. |
Retórica de los sentimientos : etnografías amerindias Gutiérrez Estévez, Manuel, editor. |
Revolutions and continuity in greek mathematics Sialaros, Michalis, editor. |
Roman Literature under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian Literary Interactions, AD 96?138 König, Alice, editor. |
Roman Lyric : Collected Papers on Catullus and Horace Cairns, Francis, autor. |
Rome : An Urban History from Antiquity to the Present Taylor, Rabun M., autor. |
Routledge Handbook of Spanish Phonology, The Colina, Sonia, editora |
Sacred Languages of the World Basa, Rowela S., autor. |
Sämtliche Werke : Lateinisch-deutsch Quintus Horatius Flaccus, autor; Niklas Holzberg, traductor y editor. |
Sangre y filiación en los relatos del dolor Gatti, Gabriel, editor. |
Sátira y Géneros Menores : Apuntes sobre Literatura Latinoamericana Contemporánea Vilahomat, José, autor. |
Satiren = Saturae Juvenal, autor.; Sven Lorenz, traductor y editor. |
Scholia Vetera in Sophoclis Oedipum Tyrannum Xenis, Georgios A. |
Segmental Structure and Tone Boersma, Paul, editor |
Semantics : theories Heusinger, Klaus, editor. |
Semantics in Language Acquisition Syrett, Kristen; Sudha Arunachalam, editores. |
Seneca Zwierlein, Otto, autor. |
Sexual Symmetry : Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres Konstan, David, autor. |
Sic semper tyrannis : dictadura, violencia y memoria histórica en la narrativa hispánica Camacho Delgado, José Manuel, autor. |
Sources of Variation in First Language Acquisition : Languages, Contexts, and Larners Hickmann, Maya; Edy Veneziano; Harriet Jisa, editores. |
Soy simultáneo : el concepto poetológico de la autoficción en la narrativa hispánica Toro, Vera, autor. |
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact : Studies From Africa, the Americas, and Spain Rao, Rajiv, autor. |
Statius Thebaid VII : A Commentary Smolenaars, J. J. L., autor. |
Strategies of Ambiguity in Ancient Literature Fuhrer, Therese, editor. |
Structures of Epic Poetry Reitz, Christiane, editor. |
Studien zu Petron und seiner Rezeption Castagna, Luigi, editor. |
Studies in Ditransitive Constructions : A Comparative Handbook Comrie, Bernard, editor |
Studies in Greek Lexicography : in honor of John N. Kazazis Giannakis, Georgios K., editor. |
Subject pronoun expression in spanish : a cross-dialectal perspective Shin, Naomi Lapidus, editor |
Symbolism 2020 : An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics Ahrens, Rüdiger, editor. |
Synchrony and Diachrony of Ancient Greek : Language, Linguistics and Philology Giannakis, Georgios K., editor. |
Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence : Revisited Byram, Michael, autor. |
Texts, Editors, and Readers : Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism Tarrant, Richard John, autor. |
The Archaeology of Greece and Rome : Studies In Honour of Anthony Snodgrass Bintliff, John L., editor. |
The Art of History Literary Perspectives on Greek and Roman Historiography Farrington, Scott, editor. |
The Birth and Death of Literary Theory : Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond Tihanov, Galin, autor. |
The Book of Books : Biblical Interpretation, Literary Culture, and the Political Imagination from Erasmus to Milton Fulton, Thomas, autor. |
The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Pormann, Peter E., editor. |
The Cambridge Companion to the Greek and Roman Novel Whitmarsh, Tim, editor. |
The campus novel : regional or global? Fuchs, Dieter, editor. |
The Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi : a commentary Bassino, Paola, autor. |
The Construction of Time in Antiquity : Ritual, Art, and Identity Ben-Dov, Jonathan, editor. |
The Development of Prosody in First Language Acquisition Prieto i Vives, Pilar; Nuria Esteve-Gibert, editores. |
The Dido episode and the Aeneid : Roman social and political values in the epic Monti, Richard Ciro, autor. |
The Evolution of Complex Spatial Expressions Within the Romance Family Hoelbeek, Thomas, autor |
The Idea of Rome in Late Antiquity : From Eternal City to Imagined Utopia Papadopoulos, Ioannis, autor. |
The Jeweled Style : Poetry and Poetics in Late Antiquity Roberts, Michael, autor. |
The Language of Hunter-Gatherers Güldemann, Tom, editor. |
The Life of Understanding : A Contemporary Hermeneutics Risser, James, autor |
The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy : Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States Bresson, Alain, autor. |
The Mask of Comedy : Aristophanes and the Intertextual Parabasis Hubbard, Thomas K., autor. |
The Materiality of Divine Agency Pongratz-Leisten, Beate, editor. |
The Mayan Languages Aissen, Judith, editor |
The Meanings of the Built Environment : A Semiotic and Geographical Approach to Monuments in the Post-Soviet Era Bellentani, Federico, autor. |
The Milesians : Thales Wöhrle, Georg, editor. |
The Names of Homeric Heroes : Problems and Interpretations Kanavou, Nikoletta, autor. |
The New Psychology of Language : Cognitive and Functional Approaches To Language Structure Tomasello, Michael, editor. |
The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality Aikhenvald, Aleksandra, editora. |
The Peoples of Ancient Italy Farney, Gary D., editor. |
The Poetics of Power in Augustan Rome : Latin Poetic Responses to Early Imperial Iconography Pandey, Nandini B., autor. |
The pragmatics of personal pronouns Gardelle, Laure, editora. |
The production of consonant clusters : implications for phonology and sound change Recasens i Vives, Daniel, autor. |
The Psychological Experience of Integrating Content and Language Talbot, Kyle Read. autor. |
The Role of Women in Work and Society in the Ancient Near East Lion, Brigitte, editor. |
The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics Katz, William F., editor. |
The Semantics of Case Kagan, Olga, autor. |
The Space That Remains : Reading Latin Poetry in Late Antiquity Pelttari, Aaron, autor. |
The Sublime in Antiquity Porter, James I., autor. |
The Translator of Desires : Poems Ibn al-´Arabi, autor; Sells, Michael Anthony, traductor. |
The Uses of Argument Toulmin, Stephen, autor. |
This City Belongs to You : A History of Student Activism in Guatemala, 1944-1996 Vrana, Heather, autor |
Three Critics of the Enlightenment : Vico, Hamann, Herder Berlin, Isaiah, autor. |
Thucydides Between History and Literature Tsakmakis, Antonis, editor. |
Tierleben On the Nature of Animals Eliano, siglo III, autor. ; Kai Brodersen, ed. |
Tonal change and neutralization Kubozono, Haruo, editor. |
Tra epigrafia e religione romana : scritti scelti, editi ed inediti, tradotti e aggiornati Scheid, John, autor. |
Traductores del exilio : argentinos en editoriales españolas: traducciones, escrituras por encargo y conflicto lingüístico (1974-1983) Falcón, Alejandrina, autor. |
Übersetzung = Translation = Traduction : Ein internationales Handbuch zur Übersetzungsforschung Kittel, Harald, editor. |
Understanding and Measuring Morphological Complexity Baerman, Matthew, editor |
Understanding Linguistic Fieldwork Meakins, Felicity, autor. |
Untersuchungen zur hethitischen Raumgrammatik Brosch, Cyril, autor. |
Utopielyrik : Möglichkeitsdimensionen im poetischen Werk. Friedrich Hölderlin - Rainer Maria Rilke - Paul Celan Hayer, Bjo?rn, autor. |
Valency Classes in the World's Languages : Case Studies from Austronesia, the Pacific, the Americas, and Theoretical Outlook Malchukov, Andrej, editor |
Valency Classes in the World's Languages : Introducing the Framework, and Case Studies from Africa and Eurasia Comrie, Bernard, editor |
Valerii Flacci Argonautica I : Commento Galli, Daniela, autor. |
Vanguardia latinoamericana : Tomo III Historia, crítica y documentos. Sudamérica. Área andina norte, Colombia y Venezuela Müller-Bergh, Klaus, editor. |
Variation and Evolution : Aspects of Language Contact and Contrast Across the Spanish-speaking World Sessarego, Sandro, autor. |
Variation in Time and Space : Observing the World through Corpora Cermáková, Anna, editor. |
Variedades de la lengua española Moreno Fernández, Francisco, autor. |
Vergangenes verhandeln : Spätantike Statusdiskurse senatorischer Eliten in Gallien und Italien Meurer, Tabea L., autor. |
Versvs Balnearvm : Die antike Dichtung über Bäder und Baden im römischen Reich Busch, Stephan, autor. |
Virgil's Gaze : Nation and Poetry in the Aeneid Reed, J. D., autor. |
Visual Linguistcs with R : A practical introduction to quantitative Interactional Linguistics Rühlemann, Christoph, autor. |
Voices of the Wild : Animal Songs, Human Din, and the Call to Save Natural Soundscapes Krause, Bernie, autor |
Von Gnathon zu Saturio : Die Parasitenfigur und das Verhältnis der römischen Komödie zur griechischen Antonsen-Resch, Andrea, autor. |
Von Gnathon zu Saturio : Die Parasitenfigur und das Verhältnis der römischen Komödie zur griechischen Antonsen-Resch, Andrea, autor. |
Wandering Myths : Transcultural Uses of Myth in the Ancient World Audley-Miller, Lucy, editor. |
Werner Jaeger : Wissenschaft, Bildung, Politik King, Colin Guthrie, editor. |
What it Takes to Talk Ibbotson, Paul, autor. |
Where Dreams May Come : Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World Renberg, Gil H., autor. |
Women and Temporality in Literature and Cinema : Negotiating with Timelessness Ahlawat, Ila, autor. |
World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality : Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise Müller, Gesine, editora. |
Writing and Power in the Roman World : Literacies and Material Culture Eckardt, Hella, autor. |
Writing Biography in Greece and Rome : Narrative Technique and Fictionalization Temmerman, Koen de, editor. |
Xenophon's Spartan Constitution : Introduction. Text. Commentary Lipka, Michael, autor. |
Yo, Don Hernando Cortés : reflexiones en torno a la escritura cortesiana Aracil Varón, Beatriz, autor. |
Zenon von Elea : Studien zu den Argumenten gegen die Vielheit und zum sogenannten Argument des Orts Koehler, Gerhard, autor. |